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· 9 years ago
This is a hackers wet dream right here
· 9 years ago
Someone at Nissan smoked too much weed bro
· 9 years ago
Hmm, that's kinda a limited point of view. With advances in wireless powering it's more probable that just being on the smart road will power the car and the battery is only to get you from one powered road to next. Of course big oil will never let it happen. For every million that advocators gather and use for lobbying the big oil companies will spend 100 million in to keep it from happening. Then you also have to think of the lack of privacy. With this kind of system in place everywhere you go, everyplace you visit, every door you step through will log your arrival and departure. If you think the government is invasive now it won't hold a candle to it would be like if this became a reality. I'm not saying we shouldn't develop clean energy but just be sure you're aware of what you're getting into before you lie down in the guillotine.
· 9 years ago
mmhmm. Preach it
· 9 years ago