Ikr some people say they're introverted and hate people and socialising and actually it's the oppositebike why do some people think it's cool to be introverted
Edited 9 years ago
· 9 years ago
I've never heard of a person say that being introverted is cool.
Being introverted isn't something you "try" to be. You just are, I am. It's not trying to be cool, who the hell would we be trying to be cool for when we're not around anyone?
Are you flippityfloppitying kidding me? Of course being introverted is "cool" just like having dyslexia and adhd and all that other stuff is "cool" it's "cool" to be different and against the majority nowadays. It's "cool" not to be normal, because then you get to be treated like a special little snowflake and when shit hits the fan people always run to these "mental issues" they have.
Dyslexia and ADHD are something that is actually diagnosed by a doctor. They aren't just going around saying there's something wrong with them to get special treatment. No one wants a mental disorder, and no one should be put down because they do..they can't help it. Introverted is more of a personality thing, I just don't wanna mess with people sometimes. I wanna be alone, I don't want anyone around and if they are I really don't have anything to say to them. I just don't want to be social, that's all. There's nothing wrong with that, but trying to tell me there's something wrong with me because of that, is wrong.
There isn't anything wrong with you because of it, it's people on the internet that talk about it a lot to I guess make a joke or whatever all the time when they may not even really be
Yeah that's true, you shouldn't pretend to be something you aren't. It's not a status symbol to say that crap, and it's not something that makes you "cool."
I pretend to be something I'm not all the time and it's awesome.
Don't let knightangel see this but I think she still thinks I'm a North Korean refugee birthed on a fishing boat somewhere in the middle of the Pacific and then adopted to Chinese parents.
Don't let knightangel see this but I think she still thinks I'm a North Korean refugee birthed on a fishing boat somewhere in the middle of the Pacific and then adopted to Chinese parents.