You'll probably bump an artery either way if you cut deep enough, but long ways will basically split your artery down the center.
Like getting stabbed in the gut vs being sawed open from chest to groin.
I haven't cut and I'm no medic, but just feeling my wrist up I'd think the tendons would take a bit of sawing through to get to the bone level where the arteries are. However, it seems very easy to slip a blade BETWEEN the tendons.
especially when cut. Torn vessels tend to contract on themselves and limit blood loss but clean cuts don't. Although interestingly enough young children being cut exhibit vessels contracting. May be a survival thing. I'm on mobile and late night. Too lazy to find source. Might be bullshitting, too tired to find out.
It was a chant one of the fifth graders started cuz and all the younger graders just followed her lead little kids walking around chanting that and drawing on themselves with red marker. We had counsellors coming to the school to figure out what was going on. It certainly freaked out the teachers
I used to cut myself, side to side. I didn't do it for attention I mean I wore 5 bracelets and long sleeves all the time and whenever someone would ask why wear long sleeves in the summer time I would just answer "Because I like to I don't get hot really so I'm fine." It wasn't until I was older and drunk, I was like 14ish ,that I bawled to my sister and showed her everything and that was a cry for help because I couldn't stop myself anymore and I moved in with her. And now I've been clean from it for like 8ish years. Moral of it is sometimes people don't do it for attention they do it because they feel numb and cutting seems like a logical thing to do to feel something.
my uncertified diagnosis is that you are crying for attention but not in an attention-whorey way. Sort of a mental fallback, the last ditch thing where you unconsciously secretly hope someone notices and offers help because you're too proud/scared/bitchy/satanic/hauselnootish to ask for help directly.
It was YEARS ago. I'm not doing it anymore like I said it's been about 8 years since I have. And that's kind of exactly it but I mean no one knew besides my best friend and I didn't just show it off.
I can't stand family guy anymore. It's a terrible show now.
· 9 years ago
I know it's just a joke, but it really fucking pisses me off when people say cutting is for attention. If it were for attention, would we be hiding it from everyone? No. So stop saying that, please.
my uncertified diagnosis is that you are crying for attention but not in an attention-whorey way. Sort of a mental fallback, the last ditch thing where you unconsciously secretly hope someone notices and offers help because you're too proud/scared/bitchy/satanic/hauselnootish to ask for help directly.
· 9 years ago
So technically, it'd be more of a "shout for help" than a "cry for attention". Because people aren't asking for attention.
well you're also sprouting an opinion if that's the case. What makes you think that any cry for attention is attention whoring?
· 9 years ago
(Apologies for how slow my responses are, I have very limited access to Funsubstance) Anywho, a cry for attention just simply sounds like someone is going out of their way in order to gain attention from people. Yes, that is an opinion, I know. And at least in my case, I never looked to gain attention from doing anything, it's just a release.
What in the fuck does that mean? We're not debating opinions. You're straight up wrong. You interpret it as attention whoring and I'm saying it doesn't have to be that way but you're insisting it had to be that way. No it doesn't.
· 9 years ago
Some do it for attention others do not
You can tell they do it for attention because they tell everyone or they go "my wrists hurt" or some stupid shit like that.
down the street, the end you'll meet
Apparently this has to do something with a greater chance of hitting an artery
Like getting stabbed in the gut vs being sawed open from chest to groin.
Something we used to go around repeating in elementary school
You can tell they do it for attention because they tell everyone or they go "my wrists hurt" or some stupid shit like that.