Apparently it was more than one. Also, they directly murdered it. When they were done using at least one, they just left it in the myd, still alive, rather than put it in the water.
· 9 years ago
but I meant it as in they didn't murder it on purpose.
That's like saying if you startle someone a little bit one day and then 30 years later they have a heart attack and die during a normal day, you'd be arrested for homicide.
More like you take someone with a serious heart condition in the most terrifying haunted house, then leave them on the sidewallk when they have a heart attack. They knew they had no business taking that baby out of the water, but they did it anyway. Then the roughly passed it around, mo doubt terrifying it, before discarding it like trash when it was still struggling to stay alive.
That's like saying if you startle someone a little bit one day and then 30 years later they have a heart attack and die during a normal day, you'd be arrested for homicide.
*raises white flag*