Yeah I know about that. They mention a "Leviathan" and a "Behemoth" that are supposed to be powerful creatures and stuff. It doesn't actually say anything really about the physical features it just uses a lot of similes and metaphors though. The "Leviathan" is described more as a dragon than a dinosaur in my opinion because of the line that states that the creature can shoot fire out of its mouth and smoke from its nostrils
· 9 years ago
Exactly. I don't know what that kid had been taught
It's mostly a young-earth thing. There can't have been dinosaurs only 6000 years ago, so they can't be real. This also has the effect of disproving evolution, as everything couldn't have evolved to it's current state in such a short time.
I was preemptively deriding the guests explanation by suggesting that it will have a high entertainment value, implying that it will have a low intellectual value.
I don't know what church this kid goes too, but he needs to go to a different one. The Bible literally talks about dinosaur-like creatures. There is nothing in the Bible or in science that suggests that dinosaurs didn't exist.
Wow. As a creationist, I disagree with this kid. Dinosaurs did in fact exist. What the Bible (and the fossil record) actually states is that Dinosaurs and man existed at the same time (look up Paluxy Riverbed tracks), and Noah did take two of every kind [KIND, not species (what this equates to is one canid for all dogs, one bovid for all cows, etc) on the ark (the dinosaurs not inside the ark were buried by sediments and turned into fossils). ]However, in the post flood world, there was insufficient food/resources for the remaining dinosaurs, and they died.
Oh, edit to first comment. The flood also caused the breakup of the Pangaea supercontinent. After the flood, the dramatic climate change that would accompany such a massive global shift caused an Ice Age. (this opinion is much less acknowledged by creationists) Mainly is just a professional guess based on the evidence.
I'm not a Christian but I believe in creationism and evolution. I believe God gave us the start and we got to were we are today mostly on our own but with more than a little guidance along the way.
Ok im curious and forgive me if i sound ignorant. Unless you are Jewish how does one believe in god but not be Christian.
· 9 years ago
Jews don't believe in the Messiah, or Jesus. They think that He was just a good teacher, not the Son of God. Christians believe that Jesus is the Son of God.
· 9 years ago
@summer How did you come to believe in creationism and evolution?
To answer the first question, because you can still believe in god and not follow a religion. To answer the second I don't really know I just thought why not. I mean I know science and evolution is factual and I do believe in god so I just thought why can't creationism and evolution coexist as one. So I researched it.
I mean that he can write the correct answers chosen from the word bank, and still be able to keep his beliefs intact without confusing or combining the two.
Here's the thing. Let's say that you deny all logic and science and feel the need to cling to this idea. It doesn't mean you can't answer the question. You answer questions about Huck Finn and he isn't real.
Wait, is spacedino really 8? Because he didnt deny it. And, what should it matter if cannotwin is 15, as long as he/she demonstrates common decency ad is a respectable person, who cares?
He can say whatever he wants to. Faggot isn't offensive. He wasn't saying the kid was gay, but just a faggot
· 9 years ago
I'm an adult. And besides, "fuck" is way different from "faggot".
Barring Louis CK, when is the last time you heard somebody say "faggot"? How old were they? Last time for me was my little cousin, middle school age.
· 9 years ago
why is spacedino such a fucgot? I don't understand
*crawls back under rock*
Go home, kid.
Barring Louis CK, when is the last time you heard somebody say "faggot"? How old were they? Last time for me was my little cousin, middle school age.