he's saying he loves garlog, because Jesus would love him nomatter what he did, and he's replicating his behavior in an attempt to follow the word of god
oh whoops I used the wrong term sorry I was looking at the post directly above this one and it mentions beng salty what I meant was thats sweet, and faithful not savage
>if you can't love one certain thing you can see, how can you love a different certain thing that you can't see
What is this shit? You gotta do better than that, Christfags.
· 9 years ago
Hey athiestfag, it means how can you not love your fellow human being, a fellow creation of Almighty God, then still say you love God and all His works. It's hypocritical
Yes, because when this philosophical prophet was writing this down he just you know meant what he meant without any further meaning. In fact I think all of them in the Bible did hay?
you probs don't know this but directly from the bible it sais, love thy neighbor, and love thy brother and thy sister. Therefor, he sais a lot about loving his creations, know what you talk about.
I'm not sure how that's relevant to what we're talking about.
Edited 9 years ago
· 9 years ago
Dude you do know that the bible is the word of God through humans. We don't believe God wrote the Bible himself, that's absurd. It's a compilations of the many men who wrote about God's word all put into one huge book. Telling of God's works doings, good or "evil"
If you don't believe in something, you have no obligation to respect it because as far as you're concerned it doesn't exist so why would you respect something that doesn't exist?
"you at least have to be respect it in front of the people who believe in it"
"if you aren't then, well you just, aren't a good person in the slightest"
You're welcome to your opinion.
If you can't respect the christian word or, the bible, even in the presence of christians, then I don't even now what to say to you, thats just not okay, I mean if I went around being rude, hating on, dissing, and not believing in some of the most important parts of it, you'd feel offended too, and if you say you wouldn't then that's a lie
"thats(sic) just not okay"
Again, you're welcome to your opinion.
"if I went around being rude, hating on, dissing"
Not respecting something isn't the same as actively disparaging it.
"and not believing in some of the most important parts of it"
Are you suggesting I'm obligated to believe in parts of any given religion, based on who I'm in the presence of at the time?
"and if you say you wouldn't then that's a lie"
You don't know me.
no I'm not saying your obligated to believe in everything about every religion depending on the, I'm saying to openly disrespect it in front of people who believe in it. And like I said before, even if you don't believe in it you should still be respectful to the beliefs of others, as long as its not threatening the world, or hurting people, or something like that.
because I have faith, and your anology works in my favor, you can't see the wind, but you know it's there, because you can feel it, it pushes you, it affects things, it makes things different from the way they were before, especially if it's strong, you can't see air either, or wifi, or radio waves, or anything like that, but they're there and you know they are
@luka362 I admire your faith. However, there are many prophecies in the Bible which mention that there will always be people who will disrespect the Word and Christ. We just have to continue on in our faith. We know the Truth, and it is our job to spread it. There will always be, and have always been people who spit on the Word of God. We have to continue living our faith and not get caught up in what is happening around us; that is the only path to God and the Final Victory.
I don't openly talk shit about religion for no reason. If some says "God bless you" or something I'm not going to make a big deal out of it. However if someone's trying to make a point with bible verses I'm gonna have something to say about it.
I have a naturally low blood pressure. A high salt diet helps.
@garlog the post was directed toward christians so if that's not what you believe then you don't have to, but as you say " don't make a big deal about it" and pass it.
@christincorporated I understand that there will always be non-believers but I feel that I should still defend christianity against someone who's being rude about it.
What is this shit? You gotta do better than that, Christfags.
Also lying is not the same as being hypocritical.
"if you aren't then, well you just, aren't a good person in the slightest"
You're welcome to your opinion.
Again, you're welcome to your opinion.
"if I went around being rude, hating on, dissing"
Not respecting something isn't the same as actively disparaging it.
"and not believing in some of the most important parts of it"
Are you suggesting I'm obligated to believe in parts of any given religion, based on who I'm in the presence of at the time?
"and if you say you wouldn't then that's a lie"
You don't know me.
I don't openly talk shit about religion for no reason. If some says "God bless you" or something I'm not going to make a big deal out of it. However if someone's trying to make a point with bible verses I'm gonna have something to say about it.
I have a naturally low blood pressure. A high salt diet helps.
@christincorporated I understand that there will always be non-believers but I feel that I should still defend christianity against someone who's being rude about it.