This is important. Nowadays we glorify these disorders (by we I mean fucking tumblr), and then thousands of attention seeking 14 year olds self diagnose themselves with bullshit in order to make people like them more. People who self diagnose themselves with a disease should one day actually get that disease. That would be fucking hilarious.
It drives me insane 'i need to turn all the plugs off because i have ocd' its not ocd if you just turn plugs off every now and then, you just like the attention grrrr T_T
You mean Anxiety Attack. I have Panic Attacks and they are NOT Anxiety Attacks. Panic Attacks are unpreventable and unpredictable, you cannot work yourself into one. They just appear out of thin air for no reason. And the only reason why you are panicing is because your vision is gone and you're fainting in slow motion, your heart is jack hammering so hard that it feels like its failing you and you can't breathe. A Panic Attack is biological, it occurs when your brain misfires your fight or flight and you are overloaded with adrenaline. The adrenaline forces your vision to shut down and your heart to tremor, and the blood rushes to your vital organs, causing you to faint. Getting real tired of people mixing up the two, because one you work yourself into, while the other it is forced upon you without warning
I know this is a year late but it can't hurt yo have it at least kinda explained. Multiple personality is having multiple complete identities in the same brain as in multiple fully complex people with their own set of morals and everything that makes a person unique. Schizophrenia is usually described as having hallucinations , memory problems, and sometimes a lack of proper expression in the face. Now there's also a third thing which is dissociative identity disorder which is often times confused with multiple personality. It is where one's personality sorta breaks down into parts as it's an extreme form of disassociating and causes one to have multiple pieces of your own identity acting independently of one another and the main difference from multiple personality is that it isn't multiple identities it's the same identity broken down into parts and put to extremes.
This is very true. As one who treats those with mental illness, I can unequivocally say that mental illness is not sexy, cool, or glamorous. It tears families, lives, and souls to pieces. I occasionally get young patients who almost seem to be acting in a caricature of someone with a mental health issue. It is frustrating, but sadly what I usually find underneath the facade is a deep emptiness and a desperate need to belong somewhere, even if it is to a diagnostic class. All too often it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy.
I don't find any of these offensive. Granted I don't have these; I'm bi-polar and have PTSD, but these appear to be very accurate representations of the illnesses.
· 9 years ago
I have depression, anorexia, and I self-harm. This isn't offensive. I'm the one who posted it.
More people need to understand this.