Has anyone seen a wood duck? A couple were looking to maybe nest on my deck last spring. I took some pictures. They have teeth in their beak and claws on their feet. They don't quack, they make a sound like a quiet "wheee" whistle. Whenever the female disappeared for too long the male would sit on my deck railing and "wheeeeeee" until she returned. It was an amazing experience.
Hi rosalinas. I've been a guest on FS for quite some time (not one of those nasty ones). You may have just given me a reason to register. Let me find my pics and I will post them.
Why didn't you register before?
And it's kinda sad when people consider guests are nasty
I think it's not about the guest, it's simply the person
There are bad members too
And I have seen many nice guests
I've always been terrified of geese. When I was 19 me and my best friend took my nephew and sister to the duck pond in the park to feed the geese and I forgot how scared I was of them until I got out of the car and all these geese started to surround me because I had bread. I had a panic attack, threw the bread, and ran to the car and sat in there for 15 minutes while everyone else fed them.
I love animal pictures
And it's kinda sad when people consider guests are nasty
I think it's not about the guest, it's simply the person
There are bad members too
And I have seen many nice guests
It's ain't such a surprise actually since goose are ass