Just wait a few months, because bad habits leave pretty slowly, and find new hobbies to fill the void that becomes apparent when you stop smoking weed. (It's not a dumb joke, I'm an ex-weed smoker myself, and this is my actual advice. Also, "browsing FS" is not a good hobby, I'm talking about sport, music, crafting, anything other than being in front of a screen.)
*stoner* it's okay guys we don't care if you guys like it or not it's fine. You have your opinions and we have ours. We like it, you don't. It's all g.
· 9 years ago
We need more people like you in the world sherlock
I get it man. It's scary to some people. Some think it's gross. Although too many people are extremely biased on stuff like it. Personally I actually really like the smell. But other people don't and that's fine.
· 9 years ago
I'm fine with other people doing it as long as they're not out of control and hurting other people. I just don't want it for myself.
Exactly. Don't ever worry about getting caught in a group of stoners because 90% are chill af. Society makes us out to be "peer pressurers" but honestly you say no and we won't try to force you. More for us anyway lol.
Yeah exactly, I don't know any other stoners that peer pressure people into trying it. I only help people if they don't know what they're doing and so they feel safe when they try it.
No drug, and certainly not weed will make you anything, you're not in the first place. If you smoke too much weed to get certain things done, you probably don't want to do them anyway. Blaming it on a plant, instead of trying to find out what's really keeping you from living the life you want, will only keep the symptom under control for a time, but the problem will still be there, and there will be probably another thing needed to numb what's inside you, and that might be a much bigger problem than smoking weed. The ex-smoking guest is right, there is probably a void inside you if you're an excessive user. Finding and filling that void though might make you a person who can smoke weed just to have fun and at times take the edge off, cause that's what it's there for, like all other drugs. Actually way most drug users are not addicts who can't get their life together. 2b contd.
Also losing yourself in all kinds of activities, especially sports might mean you're also just an addict. Dopamine, adrenaline and endorphines are drugs too and you can get pretty hooked on that too, in order to fill the void. Drugs don't cause that void usually, if your not a super heavy crack smoker or so, that would rise the dopamine benchmark to extreme levels. Drugs are (ab)used to fill the void that's there, for whatever reason.
I don't do drugs at all cuz I hate not being sober and clear-headed
I absolutely hate the stuff. Especially how it smells