Feminism was doomed the minute it was named "feminism". By choosing to name it after a gender, it immediately has the sound and feel of being inherently gender-biased, whether intended or not. It would have made much more sense to call it "equalism", which is what I am a proud supporter of.
· 9 years ago
But you see, feminism is not to be confused with trying to be equal to be men. Its to fight for woman's rights. So whatever they feel like should be a woman's right, they fight for that.
there is the pay wage, what you are describing is that they should get payed more for being a female but, a true feminist is trying to make it even while these "feminazis" are the people that demand the higher pay for being a female. A real feminist (I'ma just say equalist from now on) would actually try and work with men, and explain their problems. The Feminazis are tending to believe that "males should be wiped out".
Salma Hayek, an actress who has shown up in movies such as the Grown Ups movies and Puss In Boots, was actually awarded a women's equality award. And she was the co-founder for "chime" for Change which is an event that raises money to help promote health, education, and justice for women. Now you might be saying "yea, it says for women" and I'd say yes it is for women because they need to be brought up to an equal pay rise, healthcare, justice, job chance, and several other things to the same level that men are at. Sorry if there was happened to of been a miscommunication from your first comment, maybe it wasn't meant to be taken that way, but it sounded like you were saying that women should be above men instead of equal to men. And that is actually the reason why I am not a fan of people that use the term "feminist" and instead I feel like those who actually used the term for what it was orignally meant for should change to using the term of "equalist" because sure it may mean the
I do agree with somethings he is saying bot some of those I just can't, I mean there is a BIG difference between people being "manly" and people being extremely manly to a point where it's not nice for the people on the other end, guys that are emotional or weak or caring for other guys get called "girly" but also other pejorative things because they see being a woman as something under being a man. And when you say that she had someone stop her presentation because she was saying something "stupid" you are answering the question as if she was a PERSON albeit "stupid", but the whole question is based on the fact that they stopped her JUST BECAUSE she is a woman.
But just as there is this side of the coin, the other also exists, there are some women that use feminism as a scapegoat when they have nothing else to say to something they dislike. The thing is we (man and people in general) have to put men and women on a neutral scale, I've seen way stronger women in my life than men but not because of that I say men are weaker, both can do awesome things, it just varies from PERSON to PERSON not from man to man, or man to woman
A feminist can be a man or a woman. For a man to be a feminist proves that real feminism is completely different than the one in the video. Feminazi on the other hand is pretty much only women who feel that men only want sex and only take advantage of women for sex and that women are better than men. Which completely ruins the whole definition of feminism. Also, just because you're not a feminist, doesn't mean that you don't believe that women are are human and can do human things.
· 9 years ago
How many feminists does it take to change a light bulb? Don't be silly, feminists can't change anything!
Hahahahaha what an excellent way to end a video
It drives me nuts when the terrible logic of "women earn less than men" because the numbers don't account for different jobs, experience, etc., gets used as proof of discrimination by those with no understanding of numbers, statistcs or logic. Making up rape incidents for an article because it's "representative of our rape culture" only shows that our culture is one that loves to take the politically correct path of finding rape culture everywhere.
Hahahahaha what an excellent way to end a video