Do you want a drink?
Alright, thank you for your order
*returns with drink*
Here you are, enjoy the drink
"Hold the phone, fucker"
...Is there a problem?
"I don't want a fucking drink"
But you said you--
"Do I look like I care? I said yes. That doesn't mean yes, you idiot"
I think what she means by this is that sometimes people feel pressured into having sex like if an S/O is like "If you really loved me you'd have sex with me," but they're not ready too. If that is what she means then making it a little clearer would be nice.
But even if the person pressures you, once you consent, you're still consenting. The other person doesn't know you don't really consent unless you say so. Obviously there's a line to this. "Have sex with me or I'll kill your family" is definitely crossing the line of coercion. But "I feel like you don't love me" then you say okay but you really don't want to isn't rape if you still said yes.
That's not what I'm saying. I'm just saying I think women are smart enough and capable enough to have their own convictions and live by them. You can't claim rape if you said yes but you really didn't want to.
Someone didn't want it but was pushed into saying yes. I mean technically that's not rape but to the person they still feel violated and dirty. No one should pressure anyone into sex, if they don't want it they don't want it end of discussion.
Sure. And she should definitely dump the guy for being a douche who pressures her. But guess what kids? There are going to be a whole lot of times in your life where people pressure you to do something you don't want to do. You can't just say yes because it's too uncomfortable to say no and then blame the other person because you didn't have the guts to stand up to them.
Obviously. Good lord you people are slow sometimes. I'm not condoning the action. I'm just saying it isn't rape.
· 9 years ago
Here's an interesting fact: I'm taking an intro to philosophy class at my community college, and we're currently studying epistemology (i.e. the study of knowledge), and we had a lecture on epestimelogical feminism. And according to philosophy, being a feminist means that you believe two things:
1) That certain people receive special treatment based on a group that they belong to (because of their race, sexuality, religion, culture, sexual identity, gender, etc.)
2) When you see discrimination/bias as described above, you believe it should be stopped and all people should receive equal treatment.
So according to philosophy, I'm a feminist and I didn't even know it.
Well said, I get really tired of feminism being synonymous with the expectation of special privilege for women or hate towards men. It's the ask that we all get treated equally.
Alright, thank you for your order
*returns with drink*
Here you are, enjoy the drink
"Hold the phone, fucker"
...Is there a problem?
"I don't want a fucking drink"
But you said you--
"Do I look like I care? I said yes. That doesn't mean yes, you idiot"
1) That certain people receive special treatment based on a group that they belong to (because of their race, sexuality, religion, culture, sexual identity, gender, etc.)
2) When you see discrimination/bias as described above, you believe it should be stopped and all people should receive equal treatment.
So according to philosophy, I'm a feminist and I didn't even know it.