A girl at my school got sent to alternative school for having full on vaginal sex with this dude underneath the stairs. The underside of those stairs have since been filled with concrete.
Guys, I think I have you all beat.
My freshmen year of high school a 17 year old girl at my school got expelled for passing around a video on Facebook of herself having sex with her dog. I'm pretty sure she was not only arrested for distributing child porn but also for committing beastiality. It was fucking disgusting. And what's worse is she seemed really proud of herself for it. I still have no idea what kind of drugs this bitch was on.
I don't know if it went viral like nation-wide or anything, but it certainly went viral around my school and all the schools in the surrounding area. I didn't even watch it, so I have no idea. I just tried to stay as far away from that shit as possible. Barf.
· 9 years ago
Guys, this girl at my school shoved an iPhone up her vagina, when a girl asked her why she proceeded to punch her in the face yelling "don't judge me, you don't know my story"
I gotta say... she was crying her i's out.
Sorry I'm late, I only have Internet explorer.
They got suspended
My freshmen year of high school a 17 year old girl at my school got expelled for passing around a video on Facebook of herself having sex with her dog. I'm pretty sure she was not only arrested for distributing child porn but also for committing beastiality. It was fucking disgusting. And what's worse is she seemed really proud of herself for it. I still have no idea what kind of drugs this bitch was on.
I gotta say... she was crying her i's out.