The funsubstance admins kept deleting my posts for unrelated reasons, and I kept posting what they did, and they banned me after saying I was spreading false information. Essentially it was classic censorship, except they can't truly get rid of me
It happened like 4ish hours ago, where they deleted my post of that blue eyebrows tumblr feminist for watermark. I made a post proving there is no watermark in the picture, and then that post got deleted for spreading false information. Finally, I posted a post about how my second post was deleted for spreading false information, and I acknowledged that I'd probably be banned. They then suspended my account, and I commented that they suspended me through a guest account, then they IP banned me. That's why I created man2.
THANK YOU! The internet is too full of posts about like this, and doesn't have enough posts about actual feminists doing good things. The only time it had posts like that is when Emma Watson did something about feminism, and even then it was only about how amazing Emma Watson was, not about what she said and did.
I second the motion. The term has been hijacked and doesn't mean what it means anymore, which is why the more accurate term "feminazi" was coined. I'm not sure there's anything that hateful "people" like this would understand, however. I hate to sound cynical but I think these "feminists" are far beyond hope.
This hits close to home my oldest brother got a divorce from his wife after she had an abortion with out telling him. He found out weeks after she did it. It broke his heart he loves kids. He always wanted a big family.
Well skip ahead years later his gf is pregnant and she tells him she wants an abortion. He pleaded and begs not to. So they finally come to a conclusion they broke up and he got to keep the baby. She didn't even have to see the kid or pay anything for it. My niece is the sweetest kindest person I ever known.
When she was 5 her mother finally wanted to know her.
This is why I feel abortions should be a decision both make.
I'm 7 months pregnant now with our first child and I could never even imagine to have an abortion. I personally think it's horrible but if its necessary for any given reason it' should be a decision both make as you said too.
And I'm glad that your niece is a wonderful child :)
Abortion should always be agreed on by both parties just like having a kid should be too but what can you do when one is ready and the other is not? That's where it kind of gets mixed up because in the end it is the woman going through the pregnancy and birth but no man should feel like this either.
"Hi honey, how was your day?"
"Oh it was OK. We were busy at work and my boss yelled at me but its all good. How was your day?"
"Me and the girls went shopping, got our nails done, had some Starbucks. Pretty boring. Oh yeah; hey you remember how I was pregnant this morning?"
"Uh, yeah?"
"Fixed it. What do you wanna have for dinner?"
You really think it is only the woman's choice? Really?
I mean, of course you should take the father's feeling into consideration. Abortion is a serious thing, it should be taken seriously. Unless the father isn't in the picture, I don't believe you should just disregard his opinion and go skipping to the clinic. The two of you should obviously talk about it. But if the mother is dead set against keeping the baby for whatever reason, there's really not much that father can do about it, since he's not the one with the baby inside him.
My favorite thing from your first comment is how the women just walked into a clinic and was like "Yes, I would like one abortion please." And wham bam thank you ma'am it was done.
Abortion isn't really all that great of a thing, but it's probably for the best the way it is right now. You're right that it's disgusting when abortion is used as birth control. Are you really so stupid that you can't use a condom or even swallow a morning-after pill? Are you so immature that you haven't made the commitment to bear a child but you still go humping around bareback? Disgusting. You should be shot in the uterus.
But we have to also consider the bad scenarios, namely abuse and rape. From all the horror stories I've heard, it's incredibly difficult to prove rape. Half the reason being that the woman doesn't testify. In cases like this, we NEED to allow only the woman to decide whether to abort.
We can't make laws that that micromanage people's lives. That's tantamount to a totalitarian dictatorship. That's why we must accept the fact that there are people who should be shot in the uterus but have not yet been.
if we say that if you've been raped you decide and if you haven't then it's a both decision but if it's abuse it must be sexual lasting more than four hours on one stretch or 3 days total for the woman to decide otherwise both must choose but first you have to prove abuse otherwise abortion is illegal for three hours
Sexual assault is sexual assault. No red tape there. We already have laws and regulations and rules and guidelines on abortion. What's a little clarification gonna hurt?
It is possible to get pregnant without "humping around bareback". Condoms break. Birth control doesn't always work (ex. when taking antibiotics). I have met a few people who got pregnant when using both condoms AND birth control. That may muddy the waters a bit as far as unintentional pregnancies. I'm not saying I'm for/against abortion. Just pointing this out.
Conservative Republican here to say - woman's body, woman's choice. And however she arrives at that decision (with or without consulting anyone) is hers also.
OMG who fucking cares if you guys don't agree with abortion get over it it's going to happen it's been happening and it can either be a safe environment for the women with a doctor who actually knows what they're doing or it can be behind a taco bell with someone who watched a youtube "how to" about it. In cases like rape and abuse the Dad does not get a say then his opinion doesn't matter and he should be in prison. Yes, it is ultimately the women's choice because she's the one pregnant she's the one that has to push a small ham out of her vagina but if the father is a good man and is actively going to be in his child's life then what should happen then?
Wow. Hate. You're assuming just because we don't think this guest is legit we don't think you should be able to murder at will? Do you think most Conservatives support infanticide then?
Do you really think most women who get an abortion aren't doing it with a heavy heart? Like it's an easy thing to do? Is your head that far up your own ass? I don't care that you don't agree with abortion no one agrees with it. Pro choice people don't walk up to women and say "Just get an abortion." They're saying "I have no say in what you do because it's not my uterus it's not my life." Let's open our eyes to the real world because abortion is the least of our worries.
"OMG who fucking cares if you guys don't agree ~ a taco bell with someone who watched a youtube "how to" about it."
>who cares if you don't like murder, if it isn't done in the open by professionals it'll be done in alleys by thugs.
That's what you sound like.
"In cases like rape and abuse the Dad does not get a say then his opinion doesn't matter and he should be in prison."
If he goes to jail then he obviously can't care for the child, so he won't have custody, but he'll still retain parental rights, so why shouldn't he have a say in the fate of his child?
"Yes, it is ultimately the women's choice because she's the one pregnant she's the one that has to push a small ham out of her vagina"
So if two people go in together on a car and store it one of their garages that guy ultimately has the choice whether to scrap the car or not?
"but if the father is a good man and is actively going to be in his child's life then what should happen then?"
That is indeed a good question. Isn't it unfair for the woman to be able to terminate his child without his consent?
"Do you really think most women who get an abortion aren't doing it with a heavy heart? Like it's an easy thing to do?"
Nobody thinks this (though I'm sure some people do have this attitude toward abortion).
"I don't care that you don't agree with abortion no one agrees with it."
Then why are you commenting? For someone who doesn't care you certainly seem angry about it.
"They're saying "I have no say in what you do because it's not my uterus it's not my life.""
Yes, and pro-life people say "Killing a child is a crime, so abortion is a crime.".
I've tried to refrain from actually arguing for or against because it is such a hot button issue. Many would probably assume they knew my opinion, but you know what they say when you assume? You make an ASS out if U and ME. I will say this, for what it's worth; I have never talked to any woman who has had an abortion who was not haunted by her decision.
Just because teenagers like to argue online doesn't mean femenism is ruined :) real feminists are all around us quietly living their lives with respect for everyone around them
"Man2"? Lol, did you get banned, "man"? You realize this is exactly why you keep getting banned, right? Because you keep trolling this site with the same shit.
no I got banned because I kept calling funsubstance out for deleting my posts for unrelated reasons, such as 'watermark' and 'spreading false information' Anyway, that was all last night, and I already knew I was going to get banned. For someone who loves following me around so much, you're really out of the loop.
I don't follow you around. I'm simply on here as any normal person is, and when I (unfortunately and inevitably) run into your bullshit, I just happen to be the one to say something about.
Aite you can talk to the 892 people who don't seem to be too bothered by posts like this. Or you can continue trying to stop me, I don't really care. Cya
Lmao, I never said I was trying to stop you and I never said I didn't agree with this post, I'm simply saying this is /all/ you ever post or talk about...and I know I'm not the only one to be fed up it. And I'm pretty sure you're probably one of the most downvoted people on this site, so yes, while /one/ of your posts got on the popular page with a couple hundred likes, I can assure you most people in general are tired of you posting the same shit over and over. Good-day.
I am one of the most down voted people on the site, but again, i don't care. I'm on this site for fun, and the way I have fun is like this. So I really don't care if anyone's tired of me. I'll leave when I myself get bored.
Dear goodness. How about everyone just chillax? No need to be hostile and rude here. We are all here to have fun. If you are not here to have fun, then I believe you are in the wrong place.
Damnit, alxx. Shut. Up. Jesus. Christ. There is no need for you to keep responding. You are specifically doing it to get a rise out of man2. Enough already.
No. She ruined a nicely done cereal killer story that we were creating. Shame on her. Dishonor on her. Dishonor on her family. Dishonor on her future wife or husband. Dishonor on her dead goldfish.
· 9 years ago
Man! You'rr back! Horrah! Don't listen to these dumbass haters. You don't hol back.
I feel like abortion should be both the parents decision. If the the father is willing to be there to help you I just find it so cruel to kill the child without telling him
You can't say it clearly isn't, because that's the vocal minority, and they control a large part of the feminist narrative. It's not actually that clear.
The term "feminism" has been irrevocably tainted by these fringe wackos. I propose we just let them have it and use something else to describe what we're talking about, which is just being a decent human being to each other.
If 3 out of 100 people control the narrative, then the minority control the narrative. It's not complicated.
That does seem like a prudent thing to do at this point.
I don't like how the last comment in the pic responded to all that hate with more hate. Everyone deserves love even if they are hateful or make bad decisions.
Stop saying that, we fucking know. But this is what feminists nowadays are considered and it's the most popular form of feminism. These are the woman that take to the streets though, this "minority" is always in the public eye "destroying" the "patriarchy". Wanna know what feminism is? Fighting for your right to drive; saudi arabian woman don't have that right. Fighting for your right to not be called "bitch" in a videogame is not feminism but it's all they seem to be talking about. I did not see one major blogger post about saudi arabia's recent decision to let woman vote, but i did fuckin see them post about how m3n are pigs and must die, and how a feminist "looks like". It's a dead movement, another needs to be created"
Then, garlog, you have the right to your opinion. But you cannot say that Tyler is wrong because, as I stated earlier, it is an opinion. We may not know exactly which of the parties involved in an abortion agrees, as fetus (es?) can't talk. Until they can, we are left to our own opinion of morals.
The level of stupidity in these people's beliefs disgust and terrify me...they all talk about men being unfit to have children: newsflash people, you'll be the reason your children try to run away from home.
That second to last one might be the worst thing I've ever read. This from a man who has read eyewitness accounts of the Holocaust. Kudos, you hateful, evil bitch. I like to think that humans are naturally good, thanks for shaking that belief. I have never in my life typed this before, anticipatedrepidontgiveafuck, but I sincerely hope you die in a fire. I hope you contract cancer and die alone and unloved, just like you made that man feel. I have never typed that to anyone, that's what you've made me do, kudos you insensitive, hateful, judgmental, bigoted cunt.
I sometimes feel ashamed to be a human when other members of my species are so bigoted and so heartless. If there was a procedure that could swap my mind with literally any animal other than a human I would take it in a heartbeat.
Hi, I'm late, but I'd like to say something. Yes, it's super cruel when a woman gives no warning to the father before an abortion. I do believe the woman should talk to the man, because maybe they can be a family if they talk it through. However, I don't believe that the father should have to give permission for the abortion to happen. In the end it is the woman's womb and her vagina. This is what egalitarianism/feminism used to be about, the idea that a woman's body is hers. But now we're saying she has no say if that dad wants the kid?! She should have to go through 9 months of pregnancy and labor, so the dad can have his child with a girl who clearly doesn't want one? That'd be some depressing shit having to give up my body for 9 months to essentially a parasite cause the guy I slept with wants the kid. (Plus pregnancy gets costly)
I don't think you consider how sad it can be to tell a potential father that he will not have a son or a daughter. Sure, it hits a mother really hard when miscarriage happens, but men are human beings too, and even they don't show off their feelings as much, it still hurts them to tell them that the child they wanted isn't coming.
I really do get that it would hurt the man. But how terrible would it be to tell a woman she must become a mom because a man wants to be a dad? I do believe that the parents should talk it over, but you shouldn't have to get a signed permission slip from the guy to have an abortion. That's basically saying you only get control over your body when your man says it's okay. And yes I sound like a feminazi rn but I will forever fight for someone's rights to their body no matter if it's a tapeworm or a child in there
There is no right answer when it comes to abortion nonetheless. I do see where you are coming from, and you make completely valid points. 9 months is a hell of a lot of time for something you don't even want, and it is dumb that a woman has to have a permission slip of paper of all things to make a responsible medical decision. It just seems shitty in this particular situation there is no real compromise that answers both of the parties problems.
Fuck feminisim seriously. These are the people in the mainstream. It doesn't matter if there are 'true' feminists in the world. We don't hear them, we don't see them because the MAJORITY, yes the damn majority freakkn look at the feminists that are praised by woman nowadays! You'll find that almost all of them are hypocrites. Fuck 3rd wave feminism, fuck the people who made it this way.
Actually it's not the majority, it's what gets posted on the Internet more. An angry post is more likely to be posted than a happy one. Plus, these are tumblristas, no? Why don't you try finding real feminists in the real world. They're actually trying to make a positive change.
I understand how abortion can be helpful for the mother's part, especially if she's not prepared for the baby, but abortion is NOT OKAY. For many women, it's not their fault they got pregnant but IT'S NOT THE BABY'S FAULT EITHER. You don't want the baby? Let someone who does adopt it. As for the father, he should also have a say in this. I get that it's our body and we're the ones who have to go through the pregnancy, but if I ever got pregnant I would consult the father whether he cares or not. It's sad how so many people are generalizing men like they never care if they get someone pregnant. Some do and this post from tumblr is really upsetting.
Okay, so what if the baby has a deformity and is guaranteed to be dead within 2 years and in those 2 years is guaranteed to have a miserable and painful life? You want the mother to go through 9 months of agony only to watch their child die within the first couple of years of their life? What if the pregnancy will not only hurt the baby but also the mother? What if the mother can't afford to raise a child? Sure, adoption is an option, but have you ever put a child up for adoption? Do you know how hard that would be? Can you guarantee that the child will have a better life with their adopted family? What if the woman is raped? You think she should be forced to have her rapists child? Not every abortion is simply because a woman decided to be an asshole and not /want/ their baby. Every situation is different, and sometimes abortion IS the answer. As for the father having a say in it, as long as the father is a significant part of the woman's life, I completely agree.
Its a child, not a choice. i think thats a good one too. For "not having a better life" with an adopted family: any life at all is better than no life. Life is the very first basic human right. NOTHING can invalidate a life - unless ones right to live takes the life of another (life endangering the mothers life). 9 months of your life is nothing compared to an entire lifetime. on deformities - you cant say that someone doesnt have the right to live just because they will have a defect.
also, the father should always help raise the child if it is not put up for adoption. for rape, kill the rapist, not the baby
Lol, wait, so you're all gung-ho for preaching "all lives matter" but then suggest "kill the rapist"? Oh, the hypocrisy. But in reality, neither of our opinions matter because abortion is currently legal, and that's not going to change.
Are you taking that stance for religious reasons?
If so, I counter with the following statement (it's theologically incorrect and rather sinful but I think it still holds some water):
Kill the child before it has a chance to sin so that it can go straight back to God. Don't expose it to a world without love, where it will always be seen as the product of something horrible by the people who are supposed to care for it the most.
okay no tylerchu that is very wrong, the fifth commandment (i believe) is thou shall not kill
alxx. i should have clarified that i meant if someone is going to be killed, kill the rapist. i also should have said that haneous (how you spell it?) crimes with irrefuetable (cant spell lol) evidence should be punished with death. all lives matter, but there is a point where if you do something that bad, you should be killed. also. not the type of rape where like you were both drunk but if you were drunk, take responsibility. Our opinions do matter because laws can be changed
Ok then, i will tell you that my political views will always come from the constitution or the Bible. So theological correctness (if thats a thing) is important. You kindof just suggested murdering people so they cant sin, but that means you would support literally murdering every baby
Tyler advises that you try not to step too hard on people's toes, just enough to shock them but not break them.
Well skip ahead years later his gf is pregnant and she tells him she wants an abortion. He pleaded and begs not to. So they finally come to a conclusion they broke up and he got to keep the baby. She didn't even have to see the kid or pay anything for it. My niece is the sweetest kindest person I ever known.
When she was 5 her mother finally wanted to know her.
This is why I feel abortions should be a decision both make.
And I'm glad that your niece is a wonderful child :)
"Hi honey, how was your day?"
"Oh it was OK. We were busy at work and my boss yelled at me but its all good. How was your day?"
"Me and the girls went shopping, got our nails done, had some Starbucks. Pretty boring. Oh yeah; hey you remember how I was pregnant this morning?"
"Uh, yeah?"
"Fixed it. What do you wanna have for dinner?"
You really think it is only the woman's choice? Really?
But we have to also consider the bad scenarios, namely abuse and rape. From all the horror stories I've heard, it's incredibly difficult to prove rape. Half the reason being that the woman doesn't testify. In cases like this, we NEED to allow only the woman to decide whether to abort.
Lots of legal and moral red tape
Checkmate, Conservative Republican.
>who cares if you don't like murder, if it isn't done in the open by professionals it'll be done in alleys by thugs.
That's what you sound like.
"In cases like rape and abuse the Dad does not get a say then his opinion doesn't matter and he should be in prison."
If he goes to jail then he obviously can't care for the child, so he won't have custody, but he'll still retain parental rights, so why shouldn't he have a say in the fate of his child?
"Yes, it is ultimately the women's choice because she's the one pregnant she's the one that has to push a small ham out of her vagina"
So if two people go in together on a car and store it one of their garages that guy ultimately has the choice whether to scrap the car or not?
That is indeed a good question. Isn't it unfair for the woman to be able to terminate his child without his consent?
Nobody thinks this (though I'm sure some people do have this attitude toward abortion).
"I don't care that you don't agree with abortion no one agrees with it."
Then why are you commenting? For someone who doesn't care you certainly seem angry about it.
"They're saying "I have no say in what you do because it's not my uterus it's not my life.""
Yes, and pro-life people say "Killing a child is a crime, so abortion is a crime.".
A more or less accurate quote by man.
If 3 out of 100 people control the narrative, then the minority control the narrative. It's not complicated.
That does seem like a prudent thing to do at this point.
I am in support of abortion, but seriously
also, the father should always help raise the child if it is not put up for adoption. for rape, kill the rapist, not the baby
If so, I counter with the following statement (it's theologically incorrect and rather sinful but I think it still holds some water):
Kill the child before it has a chance to sin so that it can go straight back to God. Don't expose it to a world without love, where it will always be seen as the product of something horrible by the people who are supposed to care for it the most.
alxx. i should have clarified that i meant if someone is going to be killed, kill the rapist. i also should have said that haneous (how you spell it?) crimes with irrefuetable (cant spell lol) evidence should be punished with death. all lives matter, but there is a point where if you do something that bad, you should be killed. also. not the type of rape where like you were both drunk but if you were drunk, take responsibility. Our opinions do matter because laws can be changed
at this point there's not much else to discuss