Love him, but he really doesn't have the place to talk about how someone raises their child- Christianity, Catholicism, Judaism- I'm prepared for the downvotes from the people who are so close-minded they think the only opinion that matters is their's.
· 9 years ago
He has never said one single thing against religion or beliefs. He is talking about how some people deny evolution.
There are plenty of religious people that accept it, they are not mutually exclusive.
It's a theory supported by so many observations that has become a fact.
· 9 years ago
When you all have a couple hours to spend, please watch this:
On the other side, Evolution is a theory, yes. Which has been observed through DNA and genes. Also, gravity is a theory, too.
· 9 years ago
In scientific circles the word "theory" means fact. When most people say "theory", in scientific circles the word they mean is called a hypothesis. A scientific theory is a fact. Also, gravity is different. Gravity is a law. Which means it has mathematical, not just observational, evidence to back it. A better comparison is to say that the universe is expanding is a theory, when in reality IT IS A FACT. Please be conscious of what people say when they say "theory" because a scientific theory IS A FACT.
Was about to mention that but you got there first, I don't think someone's ability to solve problems/be an engineer/or their overall proficiency in the sciences can be determined by their beleifs alone. Whether you beleive we were put here by a powerful being or if we evolved through random chance in nature, your ability to be an engineer, scientist, or problem solver should be measured by your academic merits and accomplishments.
for as smart as this man is, he's really lacking in the common sense department. Mad respect though, never will forget the days of BILL NYE THE SCIENCE GUY. BILL BILL BILL BILL BILL BILL
He's talking about a generation raised in science and critical thought, an educated society.
That may not be necessary to pay taxes, but it sure is for building the future.
It is parents' right, no, responsibility, to raise their children as they see fit (within reason, of course). If the parents are Christian (or for that matter, Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist...) then of course the children will be taught creation. This poor excuse for a smart man is nothing but another hater. Anyone who dares disagree with any of his beliefs, according to him, is backward and stupid. I can remember him when he first came on the scene decades ago, and he was arrogant and rude then too. At least he is consistent.
Implying that you have to believe evolution in order to become a contributive member of the STEM field is as close-minded as it is demeaning. What a quack.
He shouldn`t base 1 assumption on an entirely different assumption. Some people don`t believe in evolution and still become scientists, engineers and still solve problems and build stuff. Just saying.
For the most part Christians are taught creation, but Catholics are taught both and can accept either, because we realize that most of Genesis and the story of creation is metaphorical, or more appropriately, an allegory. Therefore evolution being the actual events of creation is completely plausible (It is still a theory) as long as it was created and set into motion by God, which from my point of view fits well, otherwise we can't explain where the objects for the big bang originated. Of course science still needs to work on this theory but not as a proof against Creation but rather a scientific explanation that can be accepted by anyone whether they choose to believe in an almighty being or some sort of natural phenomenon.
· 9 years ago
Okay, let me pose this question, as you mentioned there needed to be something for the big bang to happen...
Who (or what) created god then? A super god? Who made that god? A super super god? And it goes on forever? This is that fallacy, the fallacy of passing the buck. Also please see above chains about the word theory.
· 9 years ago
God is, by their terms, infinite and eternal. There is no before him, and nothing created him, he has always been there.
I'm an atheist myself, but if you want to argue, ask the right questions..
who created the Big Bang?? A super bang?? Believing in the Big Bang and evolution takes faith just like creationism does
· 9 years ago
However your jumping to conclusions. That because it hasn't been explained IT MUST BE GOD. When many times, especially dealing with these types of physics /astrology/nature of the universe type questions, its easy to do that, but people eventually find the true answers. We don't know how the big bang happened, but when scientist (please do NOT include me in that list of you want to have a full discussion about this please see someone who is more educated than me, however my arguments still stand, as I didn't make them, other scientist/philosophers(mostly them)) say that, the immediate answer isn't god. And so god gets a free pass for being spaceless, timeless, and immortal but a singularity, a much less complex structure than any god who could have created it BY DEFINITION, couldn't have had similar properties of spacelessness and timelessness? Seems a bit hypocritical in that logic. And look, I'm not saying we know the answer perfectly, or that the scientific community is even right
· 9 years ago
With this hypothesis, which is not a theory yet as far as I know, I may be wrong, but what I am saying is that pointing to god as the answer is simply ignoring the previous examples of people doing that, and also is a roadblock to finding a different explanation despite the fact that there is not real proof that a god exist whatsoever.
Not saying one does not, only that there is no real full proof of one.
The point I was trying to make is that neither of us are 100% certain where we came from but we both have our beliefs that have not been proven. Which is ok dude
· 9 years ago
I think equating the two, evolution vs creationism is a bit unjustified, but yes, believe as you wish.
Like I said as Catholics we may accept either worldview, as long as we acknowledge that God created it. Also yes, neither of us can give solid proof of our origins, but in our case we have come to accept that there are many things that we cannot explain, not to promote ignorance but rather, understanding that we couldn't comprehend God fully even if His existence was explained to us in the simplest terms. What we do beleive is that He is indeed infinite, all-knowing, and all-powerful but no, we cannot begin to fully understand it because we are limited and nothing is even comparable for us to understand. To vastly oversimplify it, try to explain to someone a color without referencing any object, and it can't be a color that anyone has ever seen. That is why we must have faith. Once again to each there own, I hope I was able to clarify some of the things we beleive, even if I didn't do it in the best possible way.
There are plenty of religious people that accept it, they are not mutually exclusive.
On the other side, Evolution is a theory, yes. Which has been observed through DNA and genes. Also, gravity is a theory, too.
That may not be necessary to pay taxes, but it sure is for building the future.
Who (or what) created god then? A super god? Who made that god? A super super god? And it goes on forever? This is that fallacy, the fallacy of passing the buck. Also please see above chains about the word theory.
I'm an atheist myself, but if you want to argue, ask the right questions..
Not saying one does not, only that there is no real full proof of one.