I'll let you in on a little secret. People don't actually want equality. They want all they feel they are denied, real or imagined, certainly, but they still want to retain something that makes them special. This is why special interest "equality" groups drift towards the obnoxious - their idea of equal is warped.
I think the "fear" and hatred for feminists is a combination of woman who think they're feminists and make fool out of themselves and create a bad name for true feminists and the fact that when men have had certain privileges for so long equality feels like oppression to them.
People just like to be victimized so that they get coddled and shit. You think they want to actually work like equals? No, they just want to take the easy route and blame everything other than themselves for their problems.
End femenism in first world countries, you simply are not oppressed. Be a femenist in a third world country where women actually dont have rights (like malala)
They refuse to help in third world countries because that means actually risking something. They like to complain in first world countries because its easy to call yourself the victim.
No, I'm really not. We're just trying to say that feminists aren't the bad guys here, they just want to be treated the same as you. People get misandry and feminism mixed up far too often.
Feminists want women to be treated equally eh? Then why are they always defending first world chicks? I've never seen one of these so called feminists leave the safety of their modern countries, and try to help people who are ACTUALLY oppressed. No, its far easier to complain about a wage gap that has been proven to not exist.
Thank you. That's all I'm trying to say, man, and I did not create this post to be a battleground. I made it only to show people who don't understand the difference what it truly means. Now I'm going to stop arguing with you because we're both going nowhere.
fine, if you couldn't understand it the 3 billionth time I said this: If feminists want equality for women, why do they constantly ignore actually opressed women in countries such as Arabia, and instead incessantly complain about made up issues, like the wage gap, in order to further benefit themselves. If this was truly a just and selfess cause, it wouldn't consist of such self serving low-lifes. One of the only actual feminists left today is Malala Yousefzai, who fucking took a bullet to defend her values. How many of these 'feminists' would be willing to even get a damn papercut to help the opressed? This whole, third-wave feminism is a fucking farce, complete bullshit devised to help oneself, not others. It doesn't promote the equality of man and women, it just makes the lives of a few well off women easier. Too bad nobody will listen to this truth, because it's so damn hard for these self serving asses to actually help others.
The two terms are frequently conflated. The trouble is that actual feminism was hijacked decades ago by some with a different political agenda. Identity politics, as well as misandry, were passed off as feminism long enough for the term to get a bad rep. I think you are both really saying the same thing using different terms, but one of you definitely says it more civilly.
yea ok, then why the fuck does feminism still exist in first world countries. it's entirely vestigial. we need feminism in places where women are actually opressed. and I don't think civility matters when i have to point out this obvious error over and over again with you guys constantly trying to dodge it.
Because a lot of the "feminism" that exists here is really, at it's heart, not. Equality is still being hijacked by those who need a constant underclass so that they can maintain power. Same with what had been termed the "race industry", constantly stirring the pot for personal enrichment. That does not mean there is complete equality even yet, however, between the sexes. Equality is like muscle structure; if we do not continually use it, we will lose it. Basically we all just need to treat each other like decent human beings.
yea but then feminism is just a huge load of bullshit and nobody should be defending them for making general human behavior look like an amazing and worthy cause. people should stop calling it feminism and should just call it 'being a normal person'
Well that's true but unfortunately, we humans tend to forget the golden rule if left to our own devices. We need pretty much constant reminders to, as an English friend said, "don't be a cunt". One would think we'd be past it by now, but I recently saw a report that said female staffers at even the White House are paid less than males, so obviously black_dahlia has a point here.
Watch the whole fucking thing. This is the problem with you people. You instantly run away from everything that disagrees with you. Watch the whole thing and you'll finally get it.
Just for you, I suffered through the guy's arrogance and foul language. I never claimed there still is no equal pay for equal work anywhere. The video states that any pay gap is largely due to men having higher level, and thus higher paying, jobs than women. I totally agree. Why then, are more men in higher positions than women? Are women not as educated or as intelligent as men? Perhaps women just don't have the balls to handle these jobs? Or perhaps the glass ceiling is real. He goes on to say that more men negotiate for higher pay than women. Are women too fragile and timid to tell their bosses they deserve more pay or to ask for promotions? Perhaps then, the goal of feminism, true feminism and not misandry, is not to force men to change how they view and treat women, but rather to give women the courage to rise above their positions in life and ask for what they deserve.
No the point is not men having a higher level, but them asking for a raise. The women statistically are more content with their current jobs in part because they are taught about the wage gap an d thus expect less. Feminism is actually making them less likely to succeed, which has already been stated in the video.
If a man says that women are content with thier jobs they must be. Ever think those "statistical" women are satisfied because thats what they think they should say, and not what they really feel? Or maybe women just don't piss and moan about it as much as men. You're confusing the bastardization of feminism with its true intention. Real feminism is about empowerment, not complacency. You seem to be arguing that women are naturally happy in lower level jobs, and that we should all accept their inherent limitations. Maybe the kitchen is the safest place for the little lady after all. Look, not everyone even wants to run a company, and certainly not everyone is capable; we need ditch diggers too. However, anyone who wants to excell should be given the opportunity, and support, to reach for the brass ring. Btw it's nice the dude uses Che Guevara in his video. There's a guy who was known for equality. Cuba is the international home for women's rights!
You damn fucking MORON that is NOT what I am implying at all. I am saying that many women who have been fed the wage gap lie feel LUCKY to be in their current positions, and thus do not risk it to ask for a raise. If it wasn't for stupid feminists, women would be more outgoing because they won't be lulled into complacency through lies. You are trying to paint me as some 7th century misogynist. Too bad I am all for the equal rights of males and females. You lot are all the same, twisting people's words in order to hide your own failings. You guys all thrive on deception and idiocy. It's fucking pathetic.
Quite true. My responses were intended for those with a little base intelligence who may read this thread, not for man. Plus I was in a mood to play with it a little! (I mean the troll, not, you know, "it")
it was great seeing a lower life form try to dodge the same comment over and over again. these creatures are very good at dodging questions they can't answer. This particularly uneducated one would probably try to dodge a simple additionm question. what filth.
nice! i think you should keep at it. a tip is to cut out your eyes, slice off your ears nose and tongue, and burn all of your skin. now, you won't have any sensory input, making you the best dodger of all time!
Lol black dahlia what does your comment have to do with jordgubbes comment. Anyway you guys are just further proving my claim that you all love to run away from/ban differing opinions rather than facing them. Also, banning doesn't do shit on this site. Good luck getting rid of me.
the amount of likes doesnt equate to the amount of people who agree with you, otherwise I'd sum up all the likes on my comments and posts from my two accounts and trash you to shit, though that wouldn't change much. waht an idiot. Again my commetns weren't about men vs. women, they were about the necessity of feminism. Of course, since you feminists can't fucking read, you wouldn't know that. What uneducated and disgusting shit you are. Nothing you say has any relation to what I'm saying. If only you could open your triggered eyes and fucking read, it'd become obvious how mentally retarded you are.
Edited 9 years ago
· 9 years ago
Feminists are just people that believe in a certain thing. Just like anybody who believes in religion, or anything else. And being rude to other people is just making you look worse.
fuck the weakling deleted her damn comment. that takes the damn cake. Black dahlidiot, you just admitted that I'm correct by deleting your idiotic comment. sherlock i don't give a shit about my image, I just like to push idiots to admit they are wrong, and they usually do so by deleting their comments like the weaklings they are.
· 9 years ago
She probably didn't want to listen to your shit anymore.
click unfollow comments then, don't delete your own comment. deleting your comment literally means that you are ashamed of your own words enough to hide them from others. anyway her comment was boasting about how 1790 people agree with her, thinking that the amount of likes she got is equivalent to an army of loyal supporters. and also incorrectly thought that my comments disagree with her original post. all in all, she's an illiterate idiot who cant read three fucking sentences. a disgrace to humanity.
Edited 9 years ago
· 9 years ago
Whatever you think. I'm not here to boss you around. Just to stand up for good people, who have real things to say.
if she had real things to say, she wouldn't delete it out of shame. anyway, you all will one day be forced to admit that other opinions are real later on in your lives, so good luck.
Watch that fully in order to understand why your statement about the wage gap is wrong.