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· 9 years ago
Omg that's Tamera Mowry?? I legit didn't recognize her!
· 9 years ago
The thing I remember most about those two is when they got their vaginas steamed. Of ALLLLLLL the things I've seen them in, that is what sticks out to me.
· 9 years ago
They did what now? O.o
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· 9 years ago
following for answers
· 9 years ago
We need to know, heywood. WE NEED TO KNOW.
· 9 years ago
· 9 years ago
It's people like those who make me lose faith in the world
· 9 years ago
I'm actually in an interracial relationship, and my boyfriend spends a lot of time on Facebook. He has this one girl that he's friends with on there that is like...i dont know how to explain it...something like a black extremist (I'm black so please no one take offense). She often posts things on how blacks should only date other blacks to keep a strong lineage ( when i saw this i was like whatever, her opinion) but then she went on to make another post spewing mad hatred for any black that is dating out of their race. What confused/hurt me the most was when she said that the TRUE racist are black people who choose not to date another black person. Believe it or not, but there were a lot of people that agreed with her. I know what she said made very little sense, but I always felt that if people are happy in their relationships then that is all that should matter. Sorry for my rant, but I really wanted to share this with you guys.
· 9 years ago
I've been in several interracial relationships and it's always a struggle. So many negative comments or stares. It's even more so for my sister who is in an interracial marriage and they adopted a child that is neither of their races. They are so cute but the hate they receive is so sad.
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· 9 years ago
From my own experiences the stares are so common. Sometimes they are stares of disgust, most common I think is confusion (I am sometimes mistaken as Latina and my bf is Mexican), and sometimes happiness. Though I can say that the most important thing to me is that neither of our families judge eachother, and we have all come together :)
· 9 years ago
I've never been in an interracial relationship but I recently interviewed my psychology professor (it was for a project for a different class) and I asked her if she was married and she said she was married to a white guy (she's black), and when I asked her if she ever felt any discrimination directed at her for being in an interracial marriage and she said her and her husband sometimes get weird stares from white people, but she said the majority of the vulgar and violent comments/acts of intolerance are from other black people. She said she constantly has other black people tell her she's turning her back on her own race and that she needs to be "saved". She almost started crying in the interview; it was heartbreaking.
· 9 years ago
Wow .......just wow .......hearing these stories it's incredible how close-minded some people are
· 9 years ago
Isn't a interracial relationship an example of equality. I feel like if white people will say only date within white people would go crazy! Good for you guys that love each other period.
· 9 years ago
@frxck your sister sounds pretty damn cool
· 9 years ago
@alxx I can totally understand how she feels. I think the most judgment that I have received is from my own race and it is always harsh. I've been judged for my relationships, for having proper grammar, my lighter complexion, and I am often told Im not black enough. I remember asking my mother about this when I was little; I asked her why it seemed that I always got compliments from others but never from our own people. She literally broke down in tears because in her eyes we will never be equal because a lot of black people can't even coexist and be happy for eachother.
· 9 years ago
This always bothered me too. I am hispanic and in my country at least i never saw that division. Plus too many colors in between i think. Once in the US i started working at a restaurant . Many servers and cooks were black. They hated this manager who was black and he was the most professional, educated person I have worked with! They would say "he wanted to be white" i couldn't understand how they couldn't see they were making themselves less and how that was a horrible thing to say. That was just being a better person regardless of color! Please I have met white people with horrible manners and grammar! They couldn't see they were insulting themselves and it was frustrating!
Edited 9 years ago
· 9 years ago
Exactly. That's another one of the things she mentioned several times in the interview- not "being black enough"...because she's light skin, married to a white guy, uses proper diction and pronunciation when speaking, and has her Ph.D. She said that on multiple occasions she's had other black people tell her she's trying too hard to be white and that she doesn't deserve to call herself a black woman. She said she was constantly borated for not "being black enough," which is something I'll never understand, seeing as race and ethnicity are two completely different concepts. Just because you're black doesn't mean you're going to have the same cultural background as every other black person. (i.e. A black person could grow up in England but that doesn't mean they're any less "black" because they speak with a British accent.) Some people are just too ignorant to understand that your race has no bearing on your cultural and social behavior.
· 9 years ago
And more importantly black people should not imply that you should basically not be educated in order to be "real black"
· 9 years ago
That is so stupid!!! Ugh
· 9 years ago
I wish my wife was black...
· 9 years ago
Why were you downvoted?
· 9 years ago
Because one shouldn't wish for their wife to be anything more than what she is...maybe a little freakier in the boudoir.
· 9 years ago
Ohh I see what you mean. I just read the comment as if they just had a preference
· 9 years ago
People need to leave her alone
· 9 years ago
I'm in a interracial relationship now. I've been in several. I'm black and he's white and we get stares all the time. And I've been told by black people that they will not talk to me or date me or touch me because I've been defiled by the white man and that I have turned my back on my people. And that I should be ashamed.
Edited 9 years ago
· 9 years ago
I had a relationship with a girl, she was much darker skinned than I was. Before we went on a date she asked me if i dated out of my race, I was stunned and just said the first thing that came to mind " you mean giraffes or cows? How can you of all people see yourself as a different race?" " We are the same race, so no i dont date out of my race but if you can see yourself as the same race then I would like to go out with you." Once I said that she was quiet for a long moment ( and i can see where history or society would teach her to think that way ), she said " that is the best answer i have ever heard, not only about me but humanity " " i hope more people think like you, maybe they could forget the past and learn to live today".
· 9 years ago
"you mean giraffes or cows" >D That should be everyone's response!
· 9 years ago
It's inbteresting that Blacks seem to have the biggest problem with this. But Blacks can't be racist, so there's that...
· 8 years ago
But as we all know, or at least as is taught in every university, only white people can be racist.