We can suck it up.
A New Hope, Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi were released *three* years apart: '77, '80, and '83 respectively.
They also didn't have side story movies to look forward to either. Here's the plan so far:
2015: Episode 7
2016: Rogue One
2017: Episode 8
2018: Starwars Anthology: Han Solo
2019: Episode 9
2020: Star Wars Anthology: Boba Fett.
And those are just the ones we know about. Who knows what other plans the Mouse money machine may have in store. Expect a live action Disney TV show... one that just might not suck. Also expect a second trilogy, Episodes 10, 11 & 12 if these movies do well enough... which you know they will.
Cry me a river about Episode 8 being two years away. We have it so much better now that the Star Wars IP is owned by Disney and Lucas has nothing to do with it anymore.
*coughs* Excuse me a moment. Without Lucas, Star Wars wouldn't even exist. Also, Disney has always had some form of involvement in Star Wars. Disney/MGM Studios sound familiar?
Yes, without Lucas we wouldn't have Star Wars. Young Lucas back in the day was great.
Old Lucas that can't make up his mind with edits and special editions and who had surrounded himself with yes men and was too powerful to have someone tell him no, shit on the colective childhood of an entire generation. I don't think of the Disney acquisition as much of a purchase, as much as it being taken away from him before he did anymore damage.
Since when was Disney involved pre acquisition? Both the original trilogy and the prequel trilogy were produced by Lucasfilm Ltd. and distributed by 20th Century Fox.
Disney has always had a hand in Star Wars, under Lucas' discretion.How do you think Disney was able to sell Star Wars merchandise many moons before the bought Lucasfilm? Same with Indiana Jones. Disney has somehow always had some rights to Star Wars.
Disney/MGM Studios (Now Hollywood Studios) in Orlando, FL has a ride callled "The Great Movie Ride". They play scenes from various movies that they were involved in somehow, and Star Wars is included in that. They also have had Star Tours, which opened in 1989.
I agree with the young Lucas.
I don't think it was nearly as bad, they didn't have internet in 1977, so only the most hard core nerds knew about there being a series. When episode 4 came out, no one even knew any more were coming out. George Lucas always wanted to make all 9, but released the first hoping a few others could be made. Plus, A New Hope wrapped itself up fairly well, so I wouldn't imagine the average movie goer would have expected sequels (that wasn't as big back then).
A New Hope, Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi were released *three* years apart: '77, '80, and '83 respectively.
They also didn't have side story movies to look forward to either. Here's the plan so far:
2015: Episode 7
2016: Rogue One
2017: Episode 8
2018: Starwars Anthology: Han Solo
2019: Episode 9
2020: Star Wars Anthology: Boba Fett.
And those are just the ones we know about. Who knows what other plans the Mouse money machine may have in store. Expect a live action Disney TV show... one that just might not suck. Also expect a second trilogy, Episodes 10, 11 & 12 if these movies do well enough... which you know they will.
Cry me a river about Episode 8 being two years away. We have it so much better now that the Star Wars IP is owned by Disney and Lucas has nothing to do with it anymore.
Old Lucas that can't make up his mind with edits and special editions and who had surrounded himself with yes men and was too powerful to have someone tell him no, shit on the colective childhood of an entire generation. I don't think of the Disney acquisition as much of a purchase, as much as it being taken away from him before he did anymore damage.
Since when was Disney involved pre acquisition? Both the original trilogy and the prequel trilogy were produced by Lucasfilm Ltd. and distributed by 20th Century Fox.
Disney/MGM Studios (Now Hollywood Studios) in Orlando, FL has a ride callled "The Great Movie Ride". They play scenes from various movies that they were involved in somehow, and Star Wars is included in that. They also have had Star Tours, which opened in 1989.
I agree with the young Lucas.