Agreed. I don't care for Bernie Sanders but the reason a lot of people don't vote is because they have to work and don't have time to vote especially if they work early or late hours.
· 9 years ago
I'm pretty sure your work is required by law to accommodate you so that you can vote. They have to give you the time.
Yes, it is a federal law that requires employers to allow employees time to go vote. It also is one of the more serious infractions that an employer can commit.
You do not want the Federal Department of Labor knocking on your door with sanctions. If the business is operating with stimulus tax breaks or other growth incentives, they can lose them... on top of the fines they might incur.
You do not want the Federal Department of Labor knocking on your door with sanctions. If the business is operating with stimulus tax breaks or other growth incentives, they can lose them... on top of the fines they might incur.