My confusion exactly. A lot of the old nicknames were even gender neutral like "Walker" (my middle name) "JW" (first and middle initial) "Blue" (referring to my once blue hair) and "Fish" (still don't know why any of them called me that)
· 9 years ago
But after telling them about me being trans, that all disappeared and they ONLY referred to me by my birth name (which is a male name) (don't exactly want to say it cuz reasons)
Maybe they just don't know how to handle it? You're expecting them to know what to do in that situation.
· 9 years ago
I Third :) give them time
· 9 years ago
Well I can't pretend my situation is the same, but my family went all weird and wonky when I came out as gay to them, and things have calmed down a bit but there's still more distance between us than I like. It could just be that they're surprised and need time to get used to it. I would recommend talking it out with them instead of just pretending it's not happening, because it's better to get the issue resolved quickly than to let the hurt and confusion fester and boil over into an explosion. But also be aware that everyone is doing the best they can in this situation and it's not really easy on anyone. I'm sorry it's going difficultly for you, though. I wish you the best of luck and sincerely hope things improve for you soon.
Edited 9 years ago
· 9 years ago
Holy shit I take a shower and I come back and its like FRIENDS :D
Thanks for the advice but I dont think I can really handle bringing it up, not all of them are exactly supportive.
· 9 years ago
That's hard I'm sure, my parents are ultra-conservative so I know how it can be difficult to talk about things like this. I'm sorry they're not supportive, but at least you have friends who are here for you with internet hugs and friendship :)
That really sucks. I wish I knew how to help but I've never been in a situation like that before. It's probably not worth much, but I truly hope things work out eventually and you have support from me! :)
Ah. There are lots of people who will do that. Before I came out half of my relatives didnt even know I had a female body, but after I came out it became the most important shit ever! Just stay strong and remember that I cheer for you! ^-^
This will be my first Christmas with the whole family since coming out, and they're all conservative and kinda bitchy so I can understand your struggle. Good luck to us both.
Edited 9 years ago
· 9 years ago
Like when she goes to the hell that I don't believe in but she shoves down my throat nonstop? LITERALLY TELLING MY FAMILY TO MAKE ME REPENT? AFTER THAT SHE'S GOING TO HELL'S HELL.
Woah woah woah dudedet running away..? Are you financially stable?
· 9 years ago
I have over $4,000 dollars saved up in my bank account so I could last for a while until I could find a job down there.
· 9 years ago
Okay... Be careful though. And if you really want to ruin their lives before you go away just tell them some of the other stuff in the bible, and give them the versus too... Here ill find a website real quick.
· 9 years ago
*assuming they're christan*
· 9 years ago
Oh I have a pre-written letter all written out and I have a bag packed. I've been planning this for months, basically since I came out. I don't want to run away but I wanted to be prepared for the worst in case they kicked me out or something like that.
They're Mormon, which is a branch of Christianity, so yeah
· 9 years ago
I'm just trying to be prepared. Christmas is always when a lot of blowouts happen in my family, and this year has been particularly tense so I'm just trying to be ready for the worst case scenario, I want to make sure I have somewhere to go.
We understand, frisky, we just want you to be careful. At least you have some idea of where to go if worse were to come, other people have nowhere. Hopefully it won't come to that, because that would be so sad.
· 9 years ago
I am being careful. Reckless would have been leaving months ago after fighting with my mom when I didn't want to go to church instead of waiting to talk and make up with her. But I appreciate the concern.
Nothing I have a future as a designer so I'm giving it up and if you want a story tell me when your ready
· 9 years ago
*Whispers to gamer_girl* Just be supportive and maybe offer condolences?
@lmao I'm sorry you can't keep the baby but good luck with your future endeavors
But thank you
I like Jessie, it suits you. Don't ask why, or how, it just does.
Thanks for the advice but I dont think I can really handle bringing it up, not all of them are exactly supportive.
it can be quite a daunting task
And I'm satan.
Speaking of bats,maybe keep one around in case she becomes even crazier
Here we are. And be careful frisky... I'm serious... Dont do anything stupid...
Get well?
*whispers to frisky*
@lmao I'm sorry you can't keep the baby but good luck with your future endeavors