Dear Society, stop being so stupid
9 years ago by homeyo · 2627 Likes · 59 comments · Popular
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· 9 years ago
What the fuck is wrong with people..... Breastfeeding I'd natural, healthy, and just plain sexy....... Don't act like u guys have never seen a titty.
· 9 years ago
I love titties. Bring 'em on! The problem is those who argue it should be accepted have a big problem with your sexy comment. I happen to agree with you but we, as normal men, are not allowed to enjoy the view, as nature intended.
· 9 years ago
There's enjoying the view, and then there's staring. I like women's butts but I don't make a thing of it unless she's literally making it clear she's inviting people to stare (as in, onstage, or literally asking if she looks hot.)
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· 9 years ago
That's true, but in my experience women who think they should be able to breastfeed whenever and wherever they please do not think that anyone should be enjoying the view.
· 9 years ago
Actually most of the flak from breastfeeding in public isn't from mom's being stared at its from people who think they shouldn't be allowed to do it in public...
· 9 years ago
Hi Stoner..I agree but I do think they should cover themselves. Althought the child does need to eat, I don't think displaying your entire self is necessary.
· 9 years ago
Breastfeeding is sometimes painful and having it completely out helps the baby to latch on and the milk to flow and covering the babies head well, would you like your head covered while you drink or eat? Besides ones the baby has latched on, you see no more of the breast than you see on TV or the beach
· 9 years ago
Not for nothing but urinating and defecating are natural too, and when you gotta go you gotta go too, but we still have to go find some specific place to take care of it.
· 9 years ago
Yes they have bathrooms for that but breast feeding rooms aren't as abundant yet... holding it isn't the same as making a baby wait to eat
Edited 9 years ago
· 9 years ago
As i said, plan ahead. You know you'll be out so pump some milk before you leave. Maybe start petitioning for spaces for feeding mothers in all public spaces.
· 9 years ago
I don't disagree with planning ahead
· 9 years ago
You can't plan but so far ahead guys. Even if you bring alternate milk for baby, a breastfeeding mom can't go too long. And if you think holding it in when you need to use the restroom is an issue....
· 9 years ago
Bring a pump. Babies need fed regularly, so plan around feeding times. Find a quiet place and cover the feeding baby. There are alternatives to simply whipping a boobie out in plain view, is my only point. And yes i am aware of the mother's need to empty her mamaries, but what do women who do not breastfeed do when the tanks get full?
· 9 years ago
Of COURSE they bring a pump for crying out loud. But aren't we discussing the difficulties of breastfeeding in public? Do you think it's easy to find places to pump??? And do I understand you correctly that you think women who aren't breastfeeding have "tanks that get full?"
· 9 years ago
Yes. Perhaps I should be more specific with you? Fourth grade biology lesson: A woman's mamary glands produce milk. If there is no baby to drink it, for whatever reason, her breasts can fill to the point she can experience excruciating pain. I have known several women who had to pump just to keep their "tanks" empty and pain free. Also when a mother weens her infant sometimes she does not "dry up" quickly and painlessly and must continue to pump her breasts. Yes TANKS. you're welcome.
· 9 years ago
Guestwho I'm sorry but I don't foresee having a logical exchange with you. You clearly don't have any firsthand knowledge on the subject and are missing the point.
· 9 years ago
Friends, sister, cousins, wife, no you're right. I have NO knowledge whatsoever. Please enlighten me oh great and wise one.
· 9 years ago
so when i bring this pump am i supposed to go sit in a toilet stall on a toilet seat with the pump like in my lap or on the floor while i pump out my breasts to go back out and be allowed to feed my child in public in a decent socially acceptable way? should i bring an exttra bag with all the stuff to santize all the bottles that i manage to drop in this horrid position and roll around in peoples pee on the floor? who the fuck is going to hold the baby? or should i just leave it outside the stall in the stroller and cross my fingers?and is there anything else i should do to shield any innocent eyes from the horror that is a womans nipple for the half second that it would be out before popping it into a babies mouth?
· 9 years ago
Thank you! I've had to use a pump in a disgusting bathroom before and it felt like I was in Trainspotting.
· 9 years ago
No the restroom should not have to be the only option. In fact, as I've said, I would support a push for "feeding rooms" in public spaces. There are lightweight feeding blankets available for just such occasions. Do you REALLY want the right to just flash your tits whenever you feel it's convenient for you? Conventional mores and modesty be damned huh? I'd venture to guess that women have taken care of their children for a few years on this planet without exposing themselves in public. I could be wrong, maybe the world begins and ends with you?
Edited 9 years ago
· 9 years ago
it is NOT flashing your tits and if morals say that seeing a boob feeding a baby is wrong it is the morals that are wrong not the feeding. modesty is a bullshit term only used for women in the first place so that can go right to hell. the whole notion that girl nipples are some sort of corrupting force that needs to be hidden is bananas. you can show almost your whole boob and its whatever but omfg if that nipple comes out and someone glimpses it its a big damn deal! morality is more like not flashing your tits to get other people hot it is not making your kid eat under a blanket so that no ones forced to deal with the discomfort of OH MY GOD not getting an inappropriate boner in public. from babies eating. give me a break go worry about the women whos privates you can actually see about their clothes, its still not any of your business but at least you can formulate a more logical complaint about that.
· 9 years ago
Hey I'm with you. Let's get those titties out in the open man! Woohoo booobiiiies! And yes it is my business and everyone else's. We are part of the world too.
Edited 9 years ago
· 9 years ago
there was a time where showing your knee was inappropriate, immodest, and punishable. i merely desire to live in a world where i can dress and "expose" myself based on comfort and need not based on what pieces of my body society has deemed shameful. naturally someone will want to draw this to an illogical conclusion of "going to work with a wiener hanging out" but i believe whole heartedly in appropriate for situations, like while i dont care if see a coworker at the beach in a speedo, i do not want to see his thighs out while at work. do you climb onto the stage during a recital and pull out your boob to feed a baby? no. should i be able to sit in my seat in an airport or a theater or a mall and feed my hungry child? yes. infact, its law that i can so bully for me.
· 9 years ago
Right you are. Times change, mores change, people change. But not immediately and not just because you want it to. At this time it is what it is. I am not aware of a law that allows you to expose yourself just because you do not wish to cover your feeding baby like everyone else does. Yes mothers are allowed to feed their babies, but not to expose their breasts because they want to buck the system. Those that have a problem with a woman modestly feeding her baby as unobtrusively as she can given the circumstances have a problem. Those that do not want a woman with a rebellious attitude flashing her nipples in front of their 10 year old have a point. There is such a thing as going too far.
· 9 years ago
There's a big difference in flashing boobs and pulling a breast out for feeding you MAY see the nipple.for a split second
· 9 years ago
Yes but there is no reason for it to happen in most cases. Most women cover themselves which fixes the potential problem.
· 9 years ago
I do think it's not too much to ask to cover up the nipple until it's in the baby's mouth but once it is there shouldn't have to be any covering up
· 9 years ago
I think we agree on more than not. A little modesty is all most people ask.
· 9 years ago
Guestwho you're going to stroke out if you don't let it go. Women aren't running around plotting to trick you into looking at their nipples. I'm not even disagreeing with you about discretion. You're the one saying vulgar/creepy things like "whip it out."
· 9 years ago
Trying to make a point. Simply trying to make a point. And if that's creepy to you, I'm sorry you've led such a sheltered life. The internet must really creep you out.
Edited 9 years ago
· 9 years ago
What is your point exactly? Sum it up in one good sentence that is insult free.
· 9 years ago
One sentence? Geez I feel like I'm back in school.
· 9 years ago
Ok; my point is that some women have a militant attitude that does not help instead of showing a little modesty, and then fighting those who may still complain with tact and the support of people like me.
· 9 years ago
Alright! :) So. I am in no way trying to represent any militant point of view. I would take an area designated for breastfeeding over being in the middle of a public area every single time. But there often isn't one. And even when you try to be discreet there is someone staring and making it weird. There's always going to be some segment of the population on either side of an issue ruining everything for everyone.
· 9 years ago
That, my friend, is an unfortunate fact.
· 9 years ago
· 9 years ago
There's a boy in my advisory who told me that he wouldn't want his wife to breastfeed their baby in public..
· 9 years ago
I can understand that. To each their own, I think mothers should have a choice and I'm sure 9o% of the time they would choose somewhere not quite so public and a quiet place such as a breastfeeding room but if there choice is a bathroom or public they shouldn't have to use a bathroom
· 9 years ago
Men should have no say! Its just like ABORTION! No vagina, no opinion! If I want to have an abortion 11 months into my pregnancy it's my right!!
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· 9 years ago
Who down voted me? You're ruining america!
· 9 years ago
And you're ruining Funsubstance. Now screw off.
· 9 years ago
· 9 years ago
Also, in my opinion, if you need to sexualize a human being (I've seen it with both men and women) just to make your product seem intriguing, then it's probably a shit product.
· 9 years ago
Not necessarily now, sex sells. We are hardwired to respond to sexual stimuli on a primal level. Men and women both are triggered unconsciously by a hardbody.
· 9 years ago
That doesn't mean you need to use it to sell a cleaning product or a hamburger. C'mon now. That's just proof that product can't stand on its own.
· 9 years ago
Perhaps, but that is the world in which we live. Almost every product in almost every country in the world has been sexploited in an ad campaign or two. Simple fact is it works. Stop buying their junk and they will change their advertising.
· 9 years ago
The image used should have shown the joker with boobs.
· 9 years ago
Im totally fine with woman breastfeeding in public all i ask is that its done y'all may scream at me
· 9 years ago
Exactly my point.
· 9 years ago
I've never seen a fully naked breast in a Burger King ad. Feed the baby without whipping out the entire tittie and all is well! It also would be a different story if there were no alternatives, such as formula or pumping. Besides, the idea in ads is that sex sells. If momma-kin had men looking at her as a sex object, as is the idea in advertising, you would be losing your mind. As to your nature argument, nature intended babies to be created by the insertion of a penis into a vagina, but society, and I'll bet you as well, would frown upon me screwing my girl's brains out on a bus stop bench during rush hour. Your argument is invalid.
Edited 9 years ago
· 9 years ago
The difference is that you don't *need* to specifically have sex at a specific time, while the baby needs to eat when the baby needs to eat.
· 9 years ago
And mommy has options too. No difference.
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· 9 years ago
The difference is that your option is "don't screw your girlfriend at that time" where Mommy's option is "go find a different place, completely interrupting whatever she might actually have to do, possibly up to a mile distant because not every place has a decent private spot to breastfeed in." Unfortunately, since the US hasn't fully caught up on little things like "breastfeeding space in or near the ladies'" on a regular basis and "parental leave policies," people gotta do what they gotta do. Mind you, my major objection to you screwing your girl on a bus bench is "get off the damn bench, it's rush hour and people need that thing," and "have some consideration, you KNOW that's covered in badly-scraped-off pigeon shit."
· 9 years ago
That comparison was extreme by intention. Let's go back to OP's comparison: breasts in ads are intended to attract men. Breasts in a baby's mouth are not. If I take the same pleasure in seeing a woman breastfeeding as I am supposed to in a scantily clad woman in a commercial it would probably not be appreciated. I say whip it out! Just don't get pissed when I stand there grinning like a schoolboy.
· 9 years ago
And *that's* the problem a lot of people have with sexualized advertising: they train people that breasts (and not even necessarily exposed breasts) are there to be enjoyed, and not just as part of someone's body. It'd be like if a random sampling of 20% of the population seemed constantly zeroed in on your ass - including both the occasional really attractive woman and the occasional hygienically-impaired person on a rascal scooter whose breathing you can hear from twenty feet away.
· 9 years ago
So it's ok if I stare at a woman's tits as long as she finds me attractive? What if I get off my rascal?
· 9 years ago
· 9 years ago
Liberals support unnatural things all the time. Gay sex for example. That's not what nature intended.
· 9 years ago
wait but liberals are supporting the breastfeeding... which is unnatural....?