I still have to do this, look! Its sooo annoying.
· 9 years ago
Paragraph one: When you take the number 1 and add the single digit number 1 to it, you get the number two because that's how math fucking works.
Paragraph two: You should know the answer to this because it's painfully obvious and it's insulting to my intelligence.
Paragraph three: This is math, not English, so this essay problem is bullshit and a waste of my time. Stick to your own damn subject.
Mathematics are simple. We are complicated. Learning math is mainly about forgetting assumptions, unlearning heuristics, removing cruft until we drill down to the essence of what we are really trying to say. And once we've done that, we look back and think "that was so freaking obvious, how could I have mixed all that shit up until now?".
As for 1+1, it really depends on your monoidal category of choice. 1 can be a Singleton set and + the disjoint union, 1 can be a truth value and + an exclusive or, 1 can be the Unit type and + a coproduct. In all cases 1 is a terminal object and + a tensor product (associative unital bi(covariant)functor).
fish.fish is a logical answer for the worrd fish has four letters.
and f you take the fi or the sh out it will be two. an there are usually two fish to make one.
i will just fill. this sentence in because it make.
no sence whatsoever so that is my answer dont vote fr donald trup. the devil is running.
Paragraph two: You should know the answer to this because it's painfully obvious and it's insulting to my intelligence.
Paragraph three: This is math, not English, so this essay problem is bullshit and a waste of my time. Stick to your own damn subject.
I would be interested in looking through those books if they were simple 0_o
As for 1+1, it really depends on your monoidal category of choice. 1 can be a Singleton set and + the disjoint union, 1 can be a truth value and + an exclusive or, 1 can be the Unit type and + a coproduct. In all cases 1 is a terminal object and + a tensor product (associative unital bi(covariant)functor).
and f you take the fi or the sh out it will be two. an there are usually two fish to make one.
i will just fill. this sentence in because it make.
no sence whatsoever so that is my answer dont vote fr donald trup. the devil is running.