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· 9 years ago
A homeless woman at the bus stop who struck a conversation with me told me my city did this too. :P
Edited 9 years ago
· 9 years ago
This makes way too much sense to be implemented everywhere. Hopefully, more cities will figure this out.
· 9 years ago
I wish more places did this. except when I was a kid my dad would offer guys $50 bucks to mow his lawn and a lot of them said no. I think it's because they make so much money holding signs. a lot of people who hold signs aren't even really homeless they just dress that way. it's sad because it gives a bad reputation to all of them including the ones that will do anything
· 9 years ago
theres a mixture of people who are homeless, from ones who actually like the responsibility free life to ones tossed into it, but then among the ones ones tossed into it, you have a range of reasons and i would wager a fair number of them would have liked to have made that 50 bucks but perhaps had a physical reason they couldn't mow a lawn. like, i would totally go mow a lawn for $50 cash, pretty sure that comes out to more than what i make at work in the same time after everything is deducted, HOWEVER i am not certain my current physical shape + existing injuries would allow me to do it.
· 9 years ago
actually some reporters have dressed up as homeless people and held signs just to see how much they make. some studies show that those "homeless" people can make up to $300/day tax free. again, it makes them all look bad, including the ones that actually need help. like the 50,000 homeless veterans in America today :(
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· 9 years ago
pretty sure thats mostly in large cities and i feel like in a large city theres not enough people with lawns to be driving around offering $50 to mow it.
· 9 years ago
so offer to wash cars...or shovel snow. seriously there is always something.
· 9 years ago
I'm not sure how your list of manual labor that people could do pertains to any of my argument/statement since i was pointing out that some of the people who are homeless who turn down manual labor do it because they are physically incapable of manual labor? or is this one of those things where everything i point out about how some people just can't is unimportant because theres someone somewhere who is just using the system so therefore all those people are invalid?
· 9 years ago
oh it didn't. I wasn't arguing or anything I was just adding to my earlier comment. sorry if it sounded like I was trying to argue.
· 9 years ago
This is a great concept. What takes the cake is a "vegan" homeless lady I saw outside of my work. And there is a disease where people have an urge to eat non-food items including feces...
· 9 years ago
i mean, i don't care for the concept of vegan, but honestly if your reasons for being vegan really are moral and not because you're a shit following trends and trying to be better than people than you would still continue to be vegan after being homeless. and i have no idea what you are trying to get at by bringing up pica?
· 9 years ago
· 9 years ago
sounds like shes surviving just fine. shes homeless not lost on a desert island. i'd likely eat my dead crew mates if it came to it on a marooned boat, it doesn't mean i will eat human flesh if i loose my house.