not 'slaves', but they get jobs for low pay and are promised things they never get. That's all illegal, of course. The people in charge take passports and they can't leave.
source: me. I lived in dubai for 5 years. (fruitcakecat, who refuses to log in at school.)
only if these jerks knew how much aid with food medicine and rebuilding of homes UAE has done in all the affected regions around the middle-east - they'd shut the hell up.
· 9 years ago
exactly. I live in Dubai, and can agree with the comment above
Libanon, as a country with 4,4 million inhabitants, has taken in 1.1 million refugees. Don't tell me surrounding countries haven't done anything, because that is not true.
The post implies that saudi arabia or dubai should help, even though there was/is debate about wether or not the saudian royal family and rich men used to/currently finance ISIS.
· 9 years ago
Yea I've read that also
Edited 9 years ago
· 9 years ago
No shit why the fuck are they getting sent across the ocean, were they'll probably never get sent home, when they could just go there?
Because regions rich in resources (Oil, diamond, etc) only make a few people rich while the rest suffer. Therefore the only other option is to seek refuge in the countries with the resource buying power. And the countries they go to are the same countries responsible for keeping these rich people in power for their own benefit.... Karma is a b**ch.
source: me. I lived in dubai for 5 years. (fruitcakecat, who refuses to log in at school.)