UAE does, now im not pretty sure about qatar or kuwait or saudi but i know that the UAE has the red crescent organization which helps over a 100,000 refugees from not only syria from any other islamic countries
· 9 years ago
UAE are fighting against ISIS, and recently many soldiers died while trying to help out in Yemen, and Syria. As a UAE citizen, no one in this country supports ISIS. We do NOT fund extreme Islam. ISIS have turned a beautiful religion, and a kind, happy, sharing people, and switched it out for this tyrannical, crazy, ruthless and uncivilized persona people outside of the Middle East see. We are not that way. Please stop discriminating against us, and associating this terrorism with all muslims, when we are not like that. We in the Middle East are aiding Syria, Iraq, and Yemen, as much as anyone else, but we are often called the terrorists. Here in the UAE, we currently take in over thousands over refugees all over, so don't say we aren't. Saudi, Qatar, and Kuwait need to step up their game, however, Saudi is busy with a war with Yemen, (both the UAE's neighbor's) and Kuwait and Qatar have no excuse.
I am sorry for a long comment, but this needs to be said.
Not only Islam. All religions are peaceful, beautiful, sacred things, and extremists can change the way we view them, and that is wrong. I have no discriminations against any other religions, and frankly, what an extremist calls 'in the name of their religion' is not religion and should NOT be held against the religion and its people.
There is no thing as beautiful religion, men can be peaceful but all the religion is wrong, in the bible as in the quran there are bad thing and violence, the prophet mohamed actually use a black flag and killed people who didn't convert to islam.
Edited 9 years ago
· 9 years ago
Okay, but we still shoudnt discriminate. In my eyes, religions are part of your culture, your identity, and there should be no discrimination just because of ONE extremist organization.
Speaking for all muslims, ISIS does not represent us, or how we act, or our religion
Why would they take refugees?
They ain't gonna pay anyways... But Saudi will pay to build mosques for the country which will accept the refugee's... Fucking Mongrel pups... Trying to islamize the world..
I am sorry for a long comment, but this needs to be said.
Speaking for all muslims, ISIS does not represent us, or how we act, or our religion
They ain't gonna pay anyways... But Saudi will pay to build mosques for the country which will accept the refugee's... Fucking Mongrel pups... Trying to islamize the world..