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· 9 years ago
Neither one's any of your business, honestly, unless the smoker is doing it in an environment where you can't avoid their smoke. Trust me, both of these people are drastically more aware of their personal situation than you are.
· 9 years ago
Smokers should be at least considerate enough to not smoke in drive thru. I hate serving window when someone has a smoke hanging out there mouth and going to our faces, it's hard to breathe and some people are allergic
· 9 years ago
I think you could say that everybody is allergic in a way, given how shitty it is for your body.
· 9 years ago
But for some it's worse. I wouldn't say I'm allergic but when I smell it when there's a few cars in a row that smoke, I get a sore chest and it hurts to breath in
· 9 years ago
Yeah true I'm just pointing out how awful it is in general
· 9 years ago
No, there isn't a difference. So don't tell smokers how to live their lives either, you have no idea what they may be using that habit to cope with, or if they've tried many times to quit before. Nobody actually cares about anybody's health, people only comment on the lifestyles of others to feel superior. They will ask you if they want your opinion.
Edited 9 years ago
· 9 years ago
Because negative reinforcement doesn't make the situation any better. In order for someone who is overweight or obese to take the steps of making healthier lifestyle choices, they first have to give a damn about themselves and pointing out their flaws like that doesn't help their self-esteem and makes them feel like shit.
· 9 years ago
· 9 years ago
Literally every single smoker you have ever seen and will ever see has chosen to smoke as an adult or nearly adult person. Unless he was born in the 50/60s, he has been well informed about the possibilities of addiction and health hazards BEFORE starting to smoke. His smoke potentially annoys and can even harm non smokers around him. Many (lets not discuss HOW many) fat persons have very little influence on their disposition, most were fat as little children already, before they were even ready to reflect their eating behavior. Plus in many cases it is a genetic disposition (again, lets not discuss numbers, lets just accept the fact that there is such thing) How is that in discussion? Someone being pissed off by people who criticize his smoking?
· 9 years ago
People don't say "you are unhealthy". They are usually ridiculing someone's appearance.
· 9 years ago
EXACTLY. some pilot stopped to actually fat shame a passenger at work one day, it was the most absurd shit i ever saw. he tried to claim he was joking around when our supervisor contacted his about. fat people know they should be thinner, and are probably trying, but its not fucking easy to just CHANGE and telling them they need to is rude as fuck.