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· 9 years ago
If you don't vote, don't complain to me when your favorite candidate loses. (Barring, of course, you being a minor or not a citizen of the United States)
Edited 9 years ago
· 9 years ago
actually if you don't vote you can definitely complain... Just say "well I didn't vote for that guy/gal" regardless of who wins
· 9 years ago
Well I'm an evangelical Christian and I have lots of friends complain (especially about Obama) and even though I may be against him as well, I tell them that by not voting you really, in a way, did vote.
· 9 years ago
Obama won Ohio with fewer votes than John Kerry got when he lost Ohio. The difference--people who would've voted Republican stayed home.
· 9 years ago
If you pay taxes, you have a right to speak.
· 9 years ago
If I want to buy an apple, but they're all rotten, I'm not going to buy ANY of them, and I'm still going to complain about the bad apples. If I think all of the candidates are either morons, or they have the moral compass of a stick, I'm not going to vote for ANY of them, and I'm still going to complain about the bad candidates. Your opinion doesn't require active participation. Listen to parents at sporting events!
· 9 years ago
Regardless of how rotten the apples are, you are still getting an apple, like it or not. It makes more sense to vote for the lesser of two evils than not vote all because someone is going to win, no matter how bad they all are.