Superman is able to be a hero because he was born with his powers. Batman is able to fight crime because he worked hard to earn his abilities (well, that and he's loaded). However, both are still heroes with a common goal in the end.
Come on guys!!! Really??
Grow up, its not about DC comics everywhere.
For once can you appreciate dbz, without whining about you batman vs superman shit.
But again goku attitude towards his opponent's and character of appreciating their ability and struggle they gone through to get those powers even after defeating them, do or die trying attitude. These things bought the changes in vageta and even in lord beerus....
Vegeta's only good because he wants to be better than Goku. He's probably wondering how this retard who was literally dropped on his head could be so strong. Forrest Gump dilemma.
Grow up, its not about DC comics everywhere.
For once can you appreciate dbz, without whining about you batman vs superman shit.