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· 11 years ago
oh god this is funny- mind you, pope francis supports the gays marrying, just not in the christian church.
· 11 years ago
Plus, it was never stated that it is wrong for one guy to be attracted to another, just wrong to act on it.
· 11 years ago
Which a lot of people would still disagree with. My advice, just ignore it if it really upsets you. And please, leave religion out of it. You guys have no idea how saddening it is to see something you truly believe in and love be ridiculed and slandered. I know that the same could be said for Catholicism opposing homosexuality, but honestly I think you wanna make your choice? That's fine with me. As long as I know I'm good and taken care of, I don't care what other people do.
Edited 11 years ago
· 11 years ago
In the original bible it says nothing about being gay as wrong and sinful