I think this turned out to be fake but dear heaven, if you can't tell up close that somebody is wearing makeup--enough to make them look completely different, anyway--I think you need more contact with humans. A little eye makeup or blush is one thing, this is another.
this is why i am pro sex before marriage. hell im pro sex before dinner.
· 9 years ago
To underyourbed. Any girl wearing as much makeup as she is in the photo is bound to look cakey. The reason photos on instagram and whatnot don't is because of the good lighting. Also, if you touch there face and your hands turn a different shade, they have makeup one or if you look on their eyelids and see green rather than skintone..
As it turns out, it's not as hard as it looks! I wore no makeup until my mid-twenties because I sucked at it. When I started working at a beauty boutique, we were required to wear 5 pieces of makeup daily (might have been 7) to sell the products. It really is in the products and practice, and it can be really fun. E.L.F. has good quality brushes and makeup at a good price for starting, and their primer and hi def powder turnes out to work REALLY good for me! They sell it at Target.
· 9 years ago
^i'm totally being serious right now when i say, great job turning that into an ad
No, not anymore. :( Not enough money in that. Now I work for a guitar distributor...with better money so I can buy more makeup and continue rhis vicious circle of eye shadow obsession that's claimed my soul.
I just... I feel....
Im just impressed. Like, this level of make up is just impressive. I get how "Its a lie" and everything, but like.... there's make up, too much make up, and talent.
This is talent.
Okay if someone is stupid enough to believe that her eyelids are actually light blue and that her eyelashes are actually that long and that that's her natural face then he shouldn't be allowed to date people in the first place
Her face/skin tone look completely different too. Like it is obvious she is wearing make up, but you don't expect THAT face to be underneath the makeup either.
I think the skin tone might be due to lighting because you can see her neck and shoulder match her face
Tbh the first pic is probably just a bad one to exaggerate flaws and bad features
Why the hell did he marry a woman without seeing her washed face? Like.. hell? "I don't know how you look naturally but hell, I'm gonna marry her" What kind of logic is that? Why people marry people they don't know? Fuck this logic.
I think some cture have a rule where u only sleep with each other after ur married, so he'd never see her washed face most likely. Still both of these people are dumb.
Im just impressed. Like, this level of make up is just impressive. I get how "Its a lie" and everything, but like.... there's make up, too much make up, and talent.
This is talent.
Tbh the first pic is probably just a bad one to exaggerate flaws and bad features