Because of how much the company makes and how many people have to be paid.
Beyonce has to pay far fewer people to help her make an album than a CEO needs to pay workers. So if they're both making the same, it's not really fair that the workers would probably get minimum wage jobs.
cause people pay her that. we have power over her, if we just stop buying her stuff she will stop making money, we dont need her stuff we want it and we just keep on paying
True. But that doesn't mean they don't provide services that we have come to completely rely on. Things like electricity, cars, cellphones, wifi, food... I mean those things are necessary to function in our society properly. We cant stop buying these products without becoming out of place in society. And they employ people who need these products pay them like shit and take most of the profits. Rinse repeat.
· 9 years ago
You're generalizing. Again. It blows my mind how much people can stereotype sometimes.
Nobody deserves that much money. Not any one single person should have that much money. With that level of wealth, the hard work that was done to earn it will be lost on the generation raised with that wealth. They will not know what it was like to live without full stomachs. They will not know what it's like to work for minimum wage. They will not know the struggle that earned the money they grew up with.
It doesn't take millions to create this self obsessed and self entitled generation. I grew up poor, my parents got a divorce, and my dad went on to remarry and make a lot of money. My step siblings have been raised with money. I had a job in a restaurant when I was 14, and now as they graduate high school they have never worked a day in their lives. They don't do chores because they hire someone to clean for them, they get an allowance despite not doing anything other than maintaining average grades and being quiet.
· 9 years ago
I beg to differ. It takes a lot of hard work to be the head of a corporation. I mean, you're a CEO. That's a lot of pressure. Would you be able to handle being the head of Apple, a corporation worth millions? You'd have a lot riding on you, a lot of people counting on you for the sake of the company.
And you should make more than most, but not so much that you cannot spend it reasonably in your own life. Society needs to start thinking of the greater good, rather than how to die with the most money.
· 9 years ago
How much money other people make is none of your concern. So what if a CEO makes $5 million? They didn't cheat or steal, they earned it. You're saying that we should take away money from others just because we think its too much? That's completely illogical. What if you made $100,000 a year, and I said, "You know what? I think $100K is too much. I'm going to take it away from you because I know better than you, and you shouldn't be able to manage your own money." Think about that.
Beyonce has to pay far fewer people to help her make an album than a CEO needs to pay workers. So if they're both making the same, it's not really fair that the workers would probably get minimum wage jobs.
It doesn't take millions to create this self obsessed and self entitled generation. I grew up poor, my parents got a divorce, and my dad went on to remarry and make a lot of money. My step siblings have been raised with money. I had a job in a restaurant when I was 14, and now as they graduate high school they have never worked a day in their lives. They don't do chores because they hire someone to clean for them, they get an allowance despite not doing anything other than maintaining average grades and being quiet.