"Homosexuality scares me and it threatens my religion! We need a new law to protect my religion that says homosexuality is a sin! Even though all they want is equality! We must stop them!"
Probably gonna get a lot of hate for this but I'm saying it anyways. This whole situation is really stupid to me. If people wanna tell you they can't do something for you because it's against their religion I see nothing wrong with that. For example, say a man asked a Muslim butcher to dress his pig for him. The Muslim butcher would tell that man he can't touch pig because it is against his religion and do you think this would make news? I think not because no one would try to stick their nose where it doesn't belong. If these bakeries, florists...etc have to tell a homosexual they can't offer them service because it's against their religion it should be treated the same as for the Muslim butcher or anyone for that matter. It's not that these business owners hate these homosexuals or anything. Their just following the practices of their religion and I think it's ok for them to do that as long as it is done in a kindly manner.
But, you see, the butcher didn't deny the pig service. He denied the owner of the pig for other reason but for his religion. The Muslims are allowed to follow their religion without hate so why aren't the Christians?
I've never read the bible. But I'd be pretty certain that in the bible. Nor any religions text. Does it say "deny service to homosexuals" I'm sure it says something about killing them or some shit and if we're following what you say. You'd be ok with the killing of homosexuals if it was part of someone's religion
· 10 years ago
Sparkles, I'm Christian and I totally agree with you, nowhere does it say in the Bible that homosexuals should be treated any differently to others. Plus the Bible says that God loves everyone. It certainly doesn't say anything about killing them. The Bible may reference a person's conduct but it doesn't discriminate against people. So I have to disagree with Amidala.
Yes it does say in the bible "if man lay with man he shall be stoned"
· 10 years ago
Dude, that was part of the Mosaic Law, which only applied to the Jews. This became irrelevant by the time of Jesus' death (although long before that the Jews had stopped doing what they were told.) Your argument is the same as that other straw man argument that Islamic extremists cause acts of terror because the Quran mentions violence. There's a little thing called context which makes a big difference.
Time of the Jews? It is still written in the bible which is still applied.
Edited 10 years ago
· 10 years ago
It's written in the first half of the Bible for historical context. Generally the latter half of the Bible is meant to be applied in the modern day. And I don't see anyone killing a person just for being homosexual, so maybe most people get the point.
I actually looked it up. It said race, color, sex, religion or national origin. Let's hope someone goes to supreme court with this and it is declared unconstitutional. Wikipedia article: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civil_Rights_Act_of_1964
This is, in my opinion, pathetic and sad. They say it is part of their, "Religious freedom" to take away the basic equal rights of another human being? Wouldn't it be against the constitution because everyone is entitled to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness? They just have their own way of doing it. They say being gay/lesbian/etc is a choice, but why would anyone make the choice to be openly discriminated against and even unable to go to the store and buy necessary things now? This act is made by people who feel that their beliefs are threatened, but people are just living their own lives. The threat of action and injustice is only coming from one side. If you were denied service in your own state because someone hated something you couldn't change, how would you feel?
All of these fucking old white men that run the government need to be replaced. Honestly. If we have freedom of religion. Why is it that America seems to only follow Christian/catholic beliefs. But to ban any chance of them being happy is just being an asshole. "Freedom of religion"-still only references the bible to make country wide decisions. It's pathetic
And i feel that religion narrows the mind because people follow what their religion says. Even if it makes them into assholes. In their eyes they are good because they follow what their religions says even if it hurts others.
· 10 years ago
Without sounding self-righteous, I feel like I'm different to that. I keep an open mind about what other religions, etc. believe. And as previously stated my religion doesn't believe in hurting others, eg. - why mistreat homosexuals?
We are the 20th state to have this. It's nothing new. Every business has been allowed to turn down who they please. Just now they can't sue. People would go places knowing that they would be denied services and they would sue. This is protecting business owners from being sued for their religious beliefs. And it's not just about gays. If purple is super offensive to a religion and I walk in with a purple shirt they can deny me services. This law is going both ways. You're denying people to eat but by not having this act it's denying business owners right to practice their religion. Discriminating someone for their religious belief is the same. It goes both ways.
Brief summary: we are the 20th states. Alway been able to deny services. Not antigay. Protecting business owners. The discrimination goes both ways.
I say religion is stupid because people make their choices solely because of the religion. Even if it hurts others. I see it as, why not just be a kind human being and not follow what some ancient text says because you may or may not piss off a higher power which may or may not exist. For fucks sake just be a good person
· 10 years ago
That's all well and good, but most people don't have the willpower to simply "just be a good person". Some people need everything spelled out in black and white. That's why we have laws against certain practices. And I don't see how anyone following the Bible's true meaning, not their own interpretation, could be at all harmful.
Sparkles a true Christian does not hate gays. They're commissioned to love everyone. To Christians the act of being homosexual is a sin. It's not the person who is bad it's the "sin" they're practicing. I do not hate any person no matter how they live or what they do. It's what they do that I'm commanded to be against, not the human itself. And sadtruth the term Christian is more than just Catholics. Methodist, Baptist, Jehovah's Witness, Church of Christ...etc all use the term Christian. Christian actually just means a follower of Christ. It applies to anyone whoes religion is based off of Christ not just Catholics.
I support the law. People are blowing the implications out of proportion and inventing evil bigoted scary bogeymen who will chase gay people out of department stores and game stores and grocery stores with torches and pitchforks, so they can feel like they're conquering a great injustice by being upset by this law. The only thing this law is going to do is protect people like wedding planners and caterers who are morally opposed to homosexual marriage. If you disagree with those beliefs, you can boycott their businesses, but I'm sick and tired of people trying to use stuff like this as an excuse to put up new strawmen to take down.
I think that the law also allowed gay(or insert other term that they use to describe themselves) people to discriminate against other people.
I personally see nothing wrong with the law, as long as it is treated equally by all parties involved.
But by having the law everyone is discriminating people for the religious beliefs they have. It goes both ways. And it's not antigay. It's whoever they don't approve of religion wise.
There is nothing wrong with this law. It is for their own religious freedom. I don't have a problem with gays, I just wouldn't let there wedding be in my store. Why? It is in my religion not to be gay.
Yeah you have a right to refuse people at your own store, it's a given. But it's still discrimination to gays specifically, who are trying to earn equality. You already have a right to refuse people, so why make a law that already gives you that right, but this time you can claim 'religious freedom'? The law itself isn't right.
Brief summary: we are the 20th states. Alway been able to deny services. Not antigay. Protecting business owners. The discrimination goes both ways.
I personally see nothing wrong with the law, as long as it is treated equally by all parties involved.