i'm with you it's kinda creepy. can you imagine walking through the forest.
· 10 years ago
Well, at least there's more life in a forest than in a cemetery. Also, if a zombie apocalypse ever happens, if they do manage to break out of these pods, they might become restricted by the tree itself. Unintended protection!
A lot of people are against it because they think there won't be enough space because of the trees' roots, but I honestly adore this idea! It's much better than stone tombstones. Forests are beautiful unless you only visit them at night, cemeteries are creepy any time of the day. And I think that it should be in the contract or whatever that once the tree is 5 or 10 years old or something, it can be cut down for wood. That way, it profits everyone, and people who think it's bad because the tree gets cut down anyway are just obsolete. I'd rather have photos and memories than expensive tombstones to bring flowers to and clean.
That's true, but if this idea became worldwide, we'd have to be concerned in a few years, just like with everything. Just thinking about the future, y'know?
Parent: Yay! I'm going to take a picture with dead grandpa! Come on kids! Let's go take a picture with him!
Kid: that's a tree...
Parent: grandpas in the tree because he is going to be eaten by the tree.
Kid: that's what happens when you eat my cookies while I'm in the bathroom!!!
Kid: that's a tree...
Parent: grandpas in the tree because he is going to be eaten by the tree.
Kid: that's what happens when you eat my cookies while I'm in the bathroom!!!