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· 10 years ago
Bungalow tho...
· 10 years ago
I was just a simple ailurophile with an assemblage of becoming cats. They sometimes beleaguer me and I have to leave them to brood in my bucolic bungalow. I've actually had my cats for so long my eyes are becoming chatoyant. I find it comely but others think it's weird. After a living with such beautiful creatures for so long everything seems to conflate and I can't find a cynosure. I did have a dalliance but it turned out the girl didn't approve of my cats' habit of defending their demesne. Anyway, I'm now kind of demure. My life is like a story only there doesn't seem to be many denouements. My bungalow's falling apart because of desuetude and life is becoming desultory. It was never diaphanous but I still had a nagging feeling that I was only trying to dissemble myself, and hide the true dulcet world around me which was full of ebullience. Of course there were times where I myself was effervescent but nowadays even the flowers seemed to not be efflorescence.
· 10 years ago
Since I was only talking to my cats I started to elision slowly but surely lapsing into whispers. I drank elixirs so I had enough nutrition but even then I was losing my once admired eloquence. I tried many remedies like embrocation with emollient but then suddenly I had an epiphany. Erstwhile I had been living like a zombie with only cats, but now I knew I had to meet new people and talk. An ethereal determination came over me, which was somewhat evanescent but evocative. I went to town and met a fetching woman who had a certain felicity about her. She had a lot of self-control and forbearance was also one of her skills but alas, she had to leave the town after a week. The fleeting time I had with her was well-spent though and I was happy. I admit during that time my cats became suspicious and were quite furtive. They used to gambol around and show of their glamour but now it was as if a gossamer had snapped and their halcyon attitude had left them.
· 10 years ago
I found this list very becoming.
· 10 years ago
Repost from about 2 months ago
· 10 years ago
Fucking says who?
· 10 years ago
Many of these aren't even english,though..
· 10 years ago