Russian statue honoring the contribution of mice to scientific research
10 years ago by bornhulk · 2684 Likes · 32 comments · Popular
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· 10 years ago
That is strangely adorable
· 10 years ago
for a second there I though it was yoda
· 10 years ago
I don't believe in testing animals on cosmetics. But because mice have divine souls like we humans do, its beautiful to honor and recognize their sacrifices.
· 10 years ago
I don't believe in testing on animals for any purpose. And you're right, all animals have divine souls. :)
· 10 years ago
Without animal testing we wouldn't have a fraction of what we have today. Stop being so precious- it's either animal testing or human testing.
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· 10 years ago
Human testing makes more sense. Humans could volunteer and get paid to be tested upon. I think testing animals for COSMETICS is wrong because its for something so trivial and they have absolutely no say in it. Its different if its for vaccines, but for makeup? Were you one of those kids who squished toads and tried to microwave their cat?
· 10 years ago
Jesus, do you ever argue without making a personal jab? Oh and the fact of the matter is that the value of a human life well exceeds that of an animal, however you look at it.
· 10 years ago
Jesus, do you ever realize you are continuously picking fights with me? Although human lives are important, we all live together on this planet. Who are you to say which lives are worth more than the next? Its not a jab, its an honest question. You seem like an unhappy person
· 10 years ago
You have a very odd definition of "picking fights." And it's frankly ridiculous that you're questioning my happiness with absolutely no reasons to do so.
· 10 years ago
Whenever I say something defending animals you pipe up and pick arguments.
· 10 years ago
We also have a plethora of hardened criminals we plan to kill. Use them. Animals are as innocent as children. I'd much rather have grown people be tested on. Get over yourself If you think everything on this planet is here for YOUR use and how YOU see fit. Keep defending animals lady, don't listen to this jackass.
· 10 years ago
Whoo! Thank you for your support,you beautiful person. I'm sending good energy your way.
· 10 years ago
You're most welcome! Ditto. :)
· 10 years ago
Calling me a jackass now. I tried to maintain some degree of respect in this conversation but screw it- both of you can fucking fuck off.
· 10 years ago
Fucking fuck off? Aww are you trying to insult us? Haha cute. Too bad your argument failed and now youre upset for nothing. Get over it and know when to walk away.
· 10 years ago
You maintained no respect for us or the animals you arrogant prick. I hope karma bites you in the ass.
· 10 years ago
Not just that but you can't decide which lives are more important. You didn't create us, so you can't judge us. Brush the cheerios off your man boobs, pull your dick out of your action figures and have some respect for yourself and others. Like bluekitty1013 said, what goes around comes around.
· 10 years ago
*high fives bluekitty1013*
· 10 years ago
*rides into the sunset with all our animal friends*
· 10 years ago
Wow. I'm dealing with children here. Won't be making that mistake again.
· 10 years ago
You're really not and I don't know where you would get that conclusion considering we are more mature and thoughtful than you.
· 10 years ago
Sorry ironman, but you're not. You're just grasping for straws here. We're trying to preserve the creatures of the earth and we're immature? Haha yeah right. Maybe you should go watch a video of animal testing and how violent and horrible it is. Then maybe you'll get it. But until then, keep trying to insult us, and we'll keep being groovy.
· 10 years ago
Eh? Calling me a jackass when I didn't say shit to disrespect you is mature and thoughtful? Groovy!
Edited 10 years ago
· 10 years ago
Fucking fuck off? Lol you're delusional
· 10 years ago
Also, you are a major jackass. Maybe you should ask for your parents permission to go online next time because you're just making a fool of yourself.
· 10 years ago
Fucking hell, I feel like I'm talking to a wall. I'm gonna stop commenting since you two really aren't worth anyone's time, but before I do so I'd like you to look at the comments before the "jackass" remark. All I did was start a debate, and I'm genuinely sorry that I made the mistake of thinking you'd contribute to said debate like adults.
· 10 years ago
Lol yeah by being insensitive and constantly commenting whenever I say anything about animals. Thank god you wont comment again and waste our time. Peace!
· 10 years ago
You were disrespectful, actually and I got tired of it. If you think it's okay to test on a creature that has the same WORTH and INDIVIDULITY as you than maybe YOU should be the one being tested on. You weren't debating you were insinuating we were crazy for being against animal testing because it's "necessary" in your small mind. You're not going to win this battle, or at life either. You're insensitive and think you're entitled to everything. People like you, like that, are why our world is fucked up. As far as I'm concerned you're a grain of sand; worthless and easily forgotten.
· 7 years ago
This entire comment war gave me cancer. As someone from the future, to all three of you: get a life
· 10 years ago
I say test the criminals, put our tax payers money to good use :)
· 10 years ago
· 10 years ago
I thought it was the thing from Kung Foo Panda