It may be true that their practices are not what Islam preaches, but the fact that they walk around saying they are Islamic and Muslim kind of defeats your argument
@guest... If you walked up to me and said "I am pastafarian and I worship the all mighty flying spaghetti monster and if you don't believe in pastafarianism, I'm going to kill you." Is it safe to assume that they consider themselves pastafarian, regardless of what the teachings of the religion are? So why can't I say "This crazy guest pastafarian threatened to kill me?"
Muslimism is complex and can be taken many deferent ways depending on the interpretation of the texts. But with your example, one could create reasons why to be cruel to parents as a show of affection.
Actually, in the Muslim's holy book, the Quran, it specifically states that anyone who has killed without being under the the threat of being killed is a sinner and is condemned unless they sincerely repent. By their own religious definitions ISIS/ISIL is not muslim.
The context however, relates to times of war/ battle in which one of our 25 mentioned prophets/ messengers was in a battle, about to battle, in a time of war, or under attack. The problem with extremists and anti-Islamists is that they take those verses out of context ir add incorrect context to justify their opinions.
When will you guys realize that Islam is perfect, and Muslims are not? It's like how in school that one kid would always do something bad and the whole class had to stay for detention!
ISIS is Muslim the way the westboro baptist church is Christian. Also, ISIS is killing both Muslims and non-Muslims, they are focused on controlling the area, not on any religious agenda. They may claim to have a religious cause, but even Muslim terrorist organizations are saying they're not with them.
So the other Muslim terrorist organizations are fine? Terrorism is terrorism... if they are saying they're doing it for religious reasons, then its safe to assume they are that religion. You could argue the same thing for the Westboro baptists, they say what they're doing is in the name if Christianity, so outsiders would consider them christian.
Of course I'm not supporting terrorists. I'm just saying even the worst of the worst don't consider them Muslim. And I think this is the difficulty with any group, including religions. Anyone can say they belong to any group, and unless there's some kind of official membership, the rest of that group can't do anything about it. My point is just that it's important to take into account how the large majority of that group feels. Yes they identify as Muslim, but all other Muslims believe that they don't follow the religion, and I think most non-Muslims would agree with that. There is a difference between identifying as a member of a religion and following the tenants of that faith that most members have agreed upon.
Islam, the religion of the Muslims, says specifically in their holy book(The Quran) that if you kill one person without being under the threat of being killed it is as if you killed every person on the planet. Their holy book abhors the killing of innocents and some of the worst punishments in their hell are reserved for people who claim Islam but give it a bad name by disregarding or changing the rules of the religion. THEY ARE NOT MUSLIM. I could stand on a pedestal, claim to be Buddhist then murder a whole crowd of people. Will people freak out? No. They'll come up with A scientific explanation for why I did it, for example mental insanity or deficiency, and leave it at that. But if I did the same and said I was Muslim, they would call me a terrorist, and call the rest the Muslims terrorists as well all because of one crazy person.
· 10 years ago
ISIS is 100% Muslim. This doesn't mean that all Muslims are extremists. Just because a source of Muslims does not mean that they are all terrible. Down vote me, but you just don't understand that not all Muslims are the same.
If Muslims don't want ISIS to be considered Islam, maybe they should do something about it instead of criticizing others for their "confusion"...
They are doing something about it, Muslims are currently losing their lives fighting back against ISIS, like the guy that this whole post is about. And even outside of all those in armed forces fighting back against them, Muslims around the world have been condemning them and trying to raise awareness about what ISIS is doing. Just Google it, you'll see that almost every large Muslim group has issued statements against them. What else do you want them to do?
Oh I didn't realize they made STATEMENTS. I'm assuming you're a Muslim based on your numerous lengthy comments, however I don't think arguing here will do anything.
They are Muslim. They do as their book advises and as that prophet advises. They just practise their religion more closely to the quran than " moderate" Muslims do... I speak Arabic, I read Arabic. I've read the book.
Isis is a group of Muslims who follow the quaran they would be considered faithful Muslims. I know I'm gonna get hated for speaking the truth but that's what usually happens when you do.
Please cite the part of the Quran which instructs Muslims to kill children if they get in their way, I always seem to miss that part. Seriously, they are not following the Quran, they are breaking so many of its rules. The majority of Muslims around the world do not consider them faithful, and neither should we.
These terrorists really just misinterpret/are taught wrongly. More Muslims are killed by ISIS than anyone else, the *real* Muslims hate ISIS as much as any of us. Muslims don't even recognize ISIS as Islamic. Muslims aren't bad, the terrorists are.
Actually Muhammad did the same thing ISIS is doing, hell he had an entire village decapitated because they rebeled. The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria are trying to start the very very very traditional Muslim nation.
· 10 years ago
Isis and isil both literally stand for Islamic State in Syria and Islamic State in Libya so how could they not be Muslims
No way. Using that logic, no one has a religion because we are all sinners and have broken the rules, maybe no to the extent that isis has, but the only quantifiable line between a religious person and a non religious person is how they personally identify themselves.
Similarly, an atheist who was baptized as a baby does not stay a Christian because of their personal choice to identify themselves as an atheist. Therefore, your religion is dictated by how you identify yourself, not by the rules you follow. The same goes for isis
I like your thought process guest. There are many different dominations of those religions. However, you cannot simply tell a person that they are not a Muslim/Christian because they have a different interpretation. It is difficult to define a religion and everyone has differing definitions, even religious-studies scholars. Whether ISIS resembles a different type of Islam or not, they are they not still Muslims?
Sorry i thought you were a guest for some reason. Anyways, im still not buying it. There has been no scholarly distinction between isis muslims and "regular" muslims. You seem to forget that about the war and violence between Catholics and Protestants that most would consider terrorism, yet they are both considered Christians. I am not saying that all muslims are like isis. I am saying that religious identity is determined by the individual, and not by other people.
They are also extremists.
Notice the word 'extremist'.
At least 109 verses in the Quran openly call for the killing of non-believers for the purpose of establishing Muslim rule.
109 separate Quran verses calling for the killing of unbelievers and apostates regardless of age or sex for the purpose of establishing Muslim rule.