This sounds like total fiction but is actually completely true. Another factor is that your brain delays vision to match sound. a lot of things that you see actually happened between 1.5 and 15 seconds earlier than you perceive them, based on how fast your mind works.
I said a LEGIT source - you know science or medicine or that sort of thing. Some self-help hippie shit doesn't meet the criteria. Now kindly fuck off and get a legitimate source, or this neanderthal shall taunt you some more.
I'm not going to hold your hand and walk you through the internet. I gave a legit source. If you want another one, find it yourself. It's not that hard for people of decent intelligence.
I do think that life exists elsewhere. Do I think they are talking to you through your tinfoil helmet? No, but - judging from what you think are legitimate sources of scientific info - I think you do.
· 10 years ago
Hmm well then I don't give a shit what a person like you thinks.
Here you are, you insufferable neanderthal. Are you incapable of a quick google search?