I completely agree. Some parents just let their kids fen for themselves from day 1. Everyone who has parents who actually care about them should be beyond grateful. I treat my parents with respect because they take care of me, even if they're a little annoying sometimes. Don't diss your parents for taking care of you.
Yes, make your parent regret the fact that they ever had a douchey kid in the first place. That'll teach em! Also just remember that a parent doesn't have to buy you those nice new abercrombie clothes or a cell phone or a single toy/game/etc. or any of that other stuff that isn't a necessity to life.
· 10 years ago
Congratulations on reaching the bare minimum of your parental duties.
I remember saying something like this to my parents as a kid. Now I have one and I see how stoopid I sounded. Parents work really hard and go without the things they want to get their kids things they want. It's not "shaming," it's just wanting a little appreciation from the recipient of the fruits of our laborS. We do it bc we love you- but a thank you would still be nice.
You don't understand how it feels when your parents remind you every single time about every single favor they did for you and trying to take control over your choice of education, your choice of career, your belief, everything. It's not only about gratitude, but more like I was chained to some extreme debt I would never pay off. Let's face it, parents are not always angels of the lord and not everyone is lucky to have such loving and understanding parents like you do or you are.
I'd rather not tell you the consequences of it, but I will tell you it's a bad idea.