Seven minutes of my life I'll never get back. If someone wants to kill themselves, let them.
· 10 years ago
When you are truly depressed, theres a point in which you do not see things clearly. You aren't thinking right, it's a big part of the disorder. You make someone see clearly, you make someone understand. The drivers did not simply grab the men and called the police, not letting them jump. They talked to them. They tried to convince them. They helped them. There is a big difference between prohibiting and opening someone's eyes.
Not only that prohandholder, the drivers tried to show them the aftermath of the death. depression is not a funny thing to talk about and garlog, you shouldn't just say that. I'm sure if I commit suicide, my friends and family would be mortified by that. Just think before posting a comment like this garlog.
Lol, "you do not see things clearly", "You aren't thinking right". I don't care about his frame of mind. If he's fine with it, why the fuck should I care? It's not my business.
I didn't comment abut his frame of mind, prohandholder did, and I replied to him (and you).
I'll also add that if I was going to kill myself I wouldn't care about that aftermath because I wouldn't be around to regret it.
· 10 years ago
I get your point of view, but as someone who has been there and has had to do some serious councelling and treatment, Im glad i didnt do anything stupid. Anyways yeh whatever
Especially not telling him afterwards. I have been in that spot with my own mother...catching her... And nobody should have to deal with the aftermath of dealing with something like that. F'n teenagers...that's like phoning the suicide hotline for jokes. Thers real people on the other end. What if he's helped someone before??? What if it didn't go well? What if he's reliving that pain over and over. Dickheads. Use your brains and think of someone other than your damn "likes" on the interwebs. Beautiful my ass. You're sick.
I'll also add that if I was going to kill myself I wouldn't care about that aftermath because I wouldn't be around to regret it.
>is sick
Yeah, okay, buddy.