I can promise he does actually play ;) seen him live, and it looks like he's playing here. But hey, I doubt they'd give him a guitar in almost every song if he couldn't play
I didn't think Niall was their lead guitarist :/ I thought it was another guy but he played too? Maybe they got the pics mixed up, I dunno. xD when I saw them I was in the circle really far away so I can't tell from experience
You know there are such things as wireless guitars.....
· 10 years ago
I'm definitely not a fan of 1D, but there ARE such things as wireless guitars. Some even connect to the speaker through bluetooth. Even if he wasn't actually playing, he probably still wanted the fans to get the full experience of a "live concert". So calm yourselves before everyone explodes.
i've seen this post at least 3 times on this site now and ALWAYS someone has to explain that it's wireless ...
· 10 years ago
*tries not to get mad* *gets very mad*
It's because the management knows he isn't the most popular in the band so they will often unplug his mic or guitar so he isn't heard. It's sad really...
Can't really see the strings though >_<
It's because the management knows he isn't the most popular in the band so they will often unplug his mic or guitar so he isn't heard. It's sad really...