the way i see it, the plot is actually quite good (the relatable girl who falls in love with a 'dangerous', troubled supernatural) but I just think some of the characters and flaws bring it down. Like Bella is meant to be an ordinary person, she's clumsy and the new kid and kind of socially awkward which is nice because she's not sickly perfect but then almost every guy is trying to go out with her as soon as she joins and people are all trying to be her friend on the first day which I have never seen happen anywhere else. Edward also comes off as good, but far too annoying and protective. He's abandons her and leaves her all for 'her safety' but then just comes running back each and every time. And he won't shut up about how they shouldn't do things because she'll be in danger. But he then does it anyway. And Jacob just comes off as a bit whiny. I mean, I know he's meant to be protective of Bella and against Edward but he just cannot deal with her being with Edward or just let it go.
He always has to just be there.
And of course, the second book where Bella gives up all life because some guy abandoned her. I mean, I get the sadness but this lasts for months and then she purposely puts herself in danger just to see and hear him. I'd understand if Stephanie Meyer worded it so it seemed like it was Edward's irresistible vampireness that makes it so she can't help but be dependent on him like any other victim but she just makes it out to be that Bella can't deal with someone breaking up with her.
See one of the things that really gets me is how everyone just expects Bella to "get over it" when Edward leaves her. She fell into depression; that sort of thing does happen. How would you feel if the love of your life, your (not to sound super corny) soulmate left you? Not too great, probably. Bella didn't connect with a lot of people outside of her family.
As for the whole everyone being hot for her bones or whatever, the point of that is that she doesn't see herself clearly, like a lot of girl don't. She doesn't find herself beautiful even though she might be (and apparently is, given all the male attention).
I totally agree that Edward's protectiveness can be annoying. There were parts when I just wanted to scream at Bella to tell him off for being so controlling. And he doesn't come running back after leaving her, though he mentions that he would have eventually, but he can't stay away from her. He loves her.
Jacob's character irritated me a lot at times, but...
Would you be able to just be completely fine with the person you love being with a person you hate? He couldn't let it go because, along with jealousy, he thought Edward was all wrong and bad for Bella.
I'm not trying to paint Twilight as the best series in the universe, because I've read better books but I've also read worse. I just wish people wouldn't jump to conclusions because they're so eager to hate it (not that thats what you were doing).
i've had friends who've been with people I've really not liked. Not because they outright cheated on them, but just because their personality was really douchey. Of course I told my friend what I thought, but I never pressed it and kept trying to get them to break up. This might be because I don't have a crush on my friends the same way Jacob had on Bella but I like to think that I still wouldn't ruin a friend's happiness just for my own bitterness, because that person might end up being good. It wasn't that Jacob hated Edward for his personality, it was just because he was a vampire
· 10 years ago
The Jack Reacher series is amazing. The movie wasn't bad but it could have done better with another actor. Anyways... Lee Child. The 'Reachers' are amazing novels.
And of course, the second book where Bella gives up all life because some guy abandoned her. I mean, I get the sadness but this lasts for months and then she purposely puts herself in danger just to see and hear him. I'd understand if Stephanie Meyer worded it so it seemed like it was Edward's irresistible vampireness that makes it so she can't help but be dependent on him like any other victim but she just makes it out to be that Bella can't deal with someone breaking up with her.
As for the whole everyone being hot for her bones or whatever, the point of that is that she doesn't see herself clearly, like a lot of girl don't. She doesn't find herself beautiful even though she might be (and apparently is, given all the male attention).
I totally agree that Edward's protectiveness can be annoying. There were parts when I just wanted to scream at Bella to tell him off for being so controlling. And he doesn't come running back after leaving her, though he mentions that he would have eventually, but he can't stay away from her. He loves her.
Jacob's character irritated me a lot at times, but...
I'm not trying to paint Twilight as the best series in the universe, because I've read better books but I've also read worse. I just wish people wouldn't jump to conclusions because they're so eager to hate it (not that thats what you were doing).