This is so sick. We have homosexual people being cast out of society because they're not accepted, and now there are homosexuals casting out their own children because they're not gay? This is exactly what they're supposed to be fighting against! This is the first time I've ever seen this situation, and it makes me so angry.
There's a girl that I go to school with that claims to be a lesbian (although she likes to talk about penises and giving this guy a hand job), and she just loves to talk about how she dislikes straight people. One day she turned to a good friend of mine (who is gay) and just out of no where says "don't you just hate straight people?"
He was like "no, most of my friends are straight." and she says "well I do."
She expects people to give her marriage rights when she sits there and treats them the exact opposite way she would want to be.
This is the main reason why I've blocked her on twitter and just completely cut her off. She constantly tweets all day long to people to tell people how their beliefs are wrong and her's are right. Not to mention she's very loud and obnoxious about expressing her beliefs. Which I have no problem with her being a lesbian (although she has made me feel very uncomfortable before). But she'll shove her beliefs down your throat like crazy.
I identify as Bi-Sexual, and its so hard because the LGBTQQ community (mostly L+G) are so hatefull on Bis, saying that they're "lying" and that they should "pick a side, gay or straight". So basically, they are being hypocritical to there own community, which is based on equality no matter what the sexuality is.
Yes, if I was a 14 year old who just got kicked out of his house, I would totally spend the next day somehow connected onto the computer putting together a meme on photoshop and post it on the internet for everybody to gawk at.
Not to mention it's illegal for parents to kick out their child unless they have committed a misdemeanor/ are over the age of 18.
I'm not saying this is fake, but I've been seeing a lot of sob stories on here lately that seem a little...attention seeking. I shouldn't say a lot, I should say more than usual. I'm also not saying people are lying, it just seems a bit fishy sometimes.
On the matter of it being illegal to disown a child, you are assuming the rest of the world has the same laws as your municipality or country. I used to work with a Cambodian gentleman that was thrown out at 13 for being involved in a protest rally for democracy. He ended up in a refugee camp and Catholic Charities helped him into the US and hot him an education and a job. The world is a fucked up place.
Thats a fucking stupid lie made up by a fucking stupid homophobe dumbass. Actually most gay parents desperately hope their (adopted) children turn out "straight" because they know homophobe discrimination is here to stay. Plus homosexuality is not exactly a chosen life style, plus the idea of "raising a kid to be gay" shows all the TO's fucking ignorance and totally basic lack of information.
Yeah, it's most likely fake, but it's a fake mirror image of what happens to real LGBT kids all the time. Gay kid kicked out of home of two straight parents.
I don't know what but something tells me this is very likely a ton of bullshit. If your parents are 2 gay men they must've gotten through a lot of trouble to even have a kid. I don't think they'd throw you out at 14 for something so stupid like this. Plus... who the fuck 'comes out straight'?? Who??
This is what I've always thought would happen. People talk about gays being oppressed, making them out to be victims. While that's likely true, don't for one second think it would be different if the roles were reversed, and straight people were a minority.
The lesson learned is that people suck. Once a group comes into power? They ALWAYS make the rules to suit their side.
We're all here debating this, so here's my opinion: don't give a sh*t about anything, then no one would get offended
· 10 years ago
This is totally fucking fake. It seeks attention and sympathy, and it does nothing but promote a negative attitude to sexual orientation.
Seriously? A GUEST posted this - not even prepared to put a name to it! I call total bullshit and I'm angry about this.
Yes, I'm gay. Yes, I know gay people who are heterophobic. They don't run with the heteronomative model of 'parents with a kid' so all i see here is an allegedly 14 year old (or a twisted adult with serious sexual hangups) who is stirring up hate.
I want vengeance. I want the force of the internet to come down on this hate-mongering.
But I'll be satisfied with this - I want this poster to put a name and a few facts to the post. 14 year old orphan? Where are you now that you can build memes and browse FS?
Come forward with facts or you will suffer!
He was like "no, most of my friends are straight." and she says "well I do."
She expects people to give her marriage rights when she sits there and treats them the exact opposite way she would want to be.
This is the main reason why I've blocked her on twitter and just completely cut her off. She constantly tweets all day long to people to tell people how their beliefs are wrong and her's are right. Not to mention she's very loud and obnoxious about expressing her beliefs. Which I have no problem with her being a lesbian (although she has made me feel very uncomfortable before). But she'll shove her beliefs down your throat like crazy.
Not to mention it's illegal for parents to kick out their child unless they have committed a misdemeanor/ are over the age of 18.
The lesson learned is that people suck. Once a group comes into power? They ALWAYS make the rules to suit their side.
Seriously? A GUEST posted this - not even prepared to put a name to it! I call total bullshit and I'm angry about this.
Yes, I'm gay. Yes, I know gay people who are heterophobic. They don't run with the heteronomative model of 'parents with a kid' so all i see here is an allegedly 14 year old (or a twisted adult with serious sexual hangups) who is stirring up hate.
I want vengeance. I want the force of the internet to come down on this hate-mongering.
But I'll be satisfied with this - I want this poster to put a name and a few facts to the post. 14 year old orphan? Where are you now that you can build memes and browse FS?
Come forward with facts or you will suffer!
2. *illegal
3. Don't be so is most likely true
My reaction upon seeing this post: