*saves bee* *5 days later* oh what a wonderful day *bee stings me*
· 10 years ago
Bees die if they sting you. Their stinger gets ripped out of their abdomen when they fly away. They won't sting you unless you're a true threat. Wasps, hornets etc. on the other hand can sting you as many times as they damn well please, just cuz they're annoyed.
· 10 years ago
Im sorry zoe for i must correct you, Wasp and Hornets are not annoying, they are the devils spawn from the deepest part of hell
· 10 years ago
'Heartless miniscule demons with wings' works too.
"If the bee disappeared off the face of the earth, man would only have four years left to live" ~Albert Einstein.
What a lovely picture of a bumblebee :)
What a lovely picture of a bumblebee :)