Because when you learn your ancestors slaughtered thousands of natives just because the natives were trying to protect their people and land it's kind of hard not to be like "Wow the white race has fucked up a lot and I'm kind of ashamed of that."
This is directed towards you but I wasn't trying to be rude or inconsiderate with my comment but it's true. We've as a race have done some of the worst crimes known to man. Some against people of our own skin color but most against people of other skin colors. It's history, you see it in the text books there's no way to be like "No we haven't," when the proof is literally in libraries and elementary to college level history books.
· 10 years ago
Never said we didnt, but everyone has committed atrocities throughout history. It is in no way limited to the "white" race. Simply looking at someone's race is missing the bigger picture.
Funny, many (possibly most) of the slaves removed from Africa and sent to the British colonies were often captured and sold by other blacks, yet this is an evil white race problem. American Indians were killed and all white Americans are supposed to feel personally responsible. However we are not allowed to blame Muslims for the violence Isis is bringing because only a small amount of Muslims actually participate in this violence.
The funny thing is I actually never said other races haven't done horrible things. Of course they have. I know they have. That's also in history books and the thing is I love history so I know they have. And the thing about Muslims is we've been blaming them since 1990's about the shit radicals do and it's just gotten worse to the point we're Muslims are actually being killed just for being Muslim their mosques burnt down. We're always throwing shit like isis and the taliban and 9/11 in Muslims face. I see it all OVER the Internet, when they are "randomly" selected at airports, and I've seen it personally. Yes Africans did sell their brothers and sisters to us which is horrible but it was our decision to use them as slaves, to beat them, to treat them so badly. Slavery didn't end to long ago my friend.
Edited 10 years ago
· 10 years ago
Ok everything you just outlined about Muslims completely contradicts your previous statements about how "whites" should feel shame for the things other whites have done. Care to comment?
It doesn't contradict anything he said "We're not allowed to blame Muslims for the violence ISIS is bringing because only a small amount of Muslims actually participate in this violence." When more than half of the American people actually do blame all Muslims regardless if they have a part in ISIS, Taliban, or Al Queda. I was just saying we do blame them.
Edited 10 years ago
· 10 years ago
Lol I wasn't talking to him. You said we can't blame all Muslims for the actions of a few. I'm saying we can't blame all white people for the actions of a few.
Lol I know you weren't talking to him. I was telling you he said that we don't blame all Muslims when we do in fact blame all Muslims. And lol wow I never said that either I said we do blame all Muslims for what a few do. Like how many times did I say that hahs let's see. "And they thing about Muslims is that we've been blaming them since the 1990s about shit the radicals have done" I said WE DO IN FACT BLAME MUSLIMS FOR WHAT A FEW DO. You're twisting my words around. And I definitely never said we should blame white people for what our ancestors did but we should feel ashamed of what they did just like we make other cultures feel ashamed of what their people did. Lol
· 10 years ago
No one should feel shame for things other people have done. To suggest otherwise is disgustingly racist.
I'm saying that as a white American I feel no guilt for the American Indian genocide or slavery. My ancestors had nothing to do with it. I am not guilty by association simply for being a white American. Same as most Muslims are not Hajii terrorists. I'm kind of tired of people acting like their blood is on my hands.
No we shouldn't blame others for what few do but we do, it's a horrific fact. And I didn't mean we should feel ashamed of what he did, I talked out of anger there, but instead I should've said for some it's hard not to feel shame when you learn what your ancestors did to other human beings.
How is it our fault? If the Europeans weren't such fucking assholes to certain groups, they never would have sought refuge here in the first place. I like how decedent's from Europe are blamed for something those fuckers did themselves.
The immigrants who first came to the United States or ''pilgrims'' were actually puritans who had overthrown the king of England in a revolution. They chopped off his head and tried to do the same to his son. The head of the revolution, Olivier Cromwell, banned christmas, plays and fun. I'm not joking, puritans literally thought fun was sinful. Anyway, the Monarchy was restored again by James II and the puritans were allowed to leave England. You should be happy James II was so full of mercy after they killed his father and threw England into chaos.
That's the thing, you are blaming the decedent's of those guys who had a revolution. Everyone blames the present people but we, nor the puritans who left europe, did anything fucking wrong. That's my point. It wasn't just the puritans though, there were a whole lot of shitty people kicking others out.
The Puritans were actually tolerated in England seeing as how they were protestants, they decided to overthrow the king because he did not fall in line with their way of life. While I agree with you that blaming people is not going to solve anything, there needs to be more dialoge about the subject IMO. The attitude towards Native Americans needs to be changed, and the problems in the reservations need to be solved. What is done is done, but not taking responsebility is not going to help anyone.
Also here goes for a little history lesson; the idea that the English first colonized North America is actually wrong. The Spanish colonized South America after the continent was rediscovered, and the Dutch first colonized North-America. They created New-Amsterdam, what would later become New York City. However, the Dutch lost this colony to the English after the Second Dutch-English Seawar.
This is like blaming the son of a serial killer by putting him in a maximum security prison. For one, i could go against the Caucasians as well because they nearly did the same to my race. (AA)
But I'm not. You can't blame the people's descendants for their ancestors. If anything, OP is looking for someone to blame "just because".
Do you bleeding heart idiots not realize this is common throughout world history? Stronger cultures prevail while weaker ones die off. Don't worry bleeding heart ass clowns the way the states are being governed we don't have long anyway. For every idiot that thinks that's impossible go talk to the Greeks, Romans, or Soviet Union. All you that want to condemn the United States for the bad she's done while completely omitting the good can go FO.
Saying that the Native American genocide happened is not dismissing all goo the US has done throughout history, but simply stating a demonstrable fact.
True. It wasn't Americans that did it. It was Europeans. Spanish and Portuguese are the most guilty, if we're really that desperate that we must point fingers.
Also we don't talk about how the British invented concentration camps (they were first used in India under the orders of Horatio Kitchener, I believe) or what actually happened in the colonies. We don't talk about how Germany suffered after WWI, how its money lost value practically overnight and how the common people suffered because of a few grumpy old men disputing over bullshit and sending people to die for their little arguments.
Because guess what? History is written by the winners. That's how the world works.
Well, I'd start with coming up with a better way to manage reservations and their funds, because right now the money is not being spent properly and the reservations are often lacking basic things. Also, we need to deal with the murders that are going on in BC and along the highway of tears. Last, I'd work on improving the situation between the RCMP and native women in the same area, and all the claims of assault and rape. And these are just of the top of my mind, I'm sure there's other stuff going on.
The income gap on the reservations is astronomical. The American Indians govern themselves how they see fit though. NY tries levying tobacco tax on the reservations in the 90's, the state's encroachment resulted in a small war that saw highways barricaded state troopers and Indians assaulted, a grand ole shitstorm. They do not want your intervention, they do not want your tax, they just want your money. Leave them the fuck alone. More harm is done every time outsiders get involved in any way, shape or form.
It is taught, but so many of these kids say shit like,"don't wast my time on history and math, I'll never use that stuff how do I get loans and pay taxes?"
Full Aneanian (Native American) here. It doesn't bother me that much. When we arrive on the subject of The Long Walk" in history. I only see about a paragraph of it and that is it. Everyone is Native American when born in the United States. My history teacher pushed that on us. So, I either call myself Emmerian or Aneanian. Also another thing, don't call us indians, that's a big no no.
How about Ireland, republican history was banned, land was seized and everything from the sports to the language was banned and sometimes at punishment of death, 800 years of genocide and oppression.
I had to study native american history and all the injustices that happened to them extensively in elementary, middle and high school. I went to an American school
We all seem to have an idea of "they never talk about it." But let's be honest -- who the heck is this "they"? How many people don't talk about it? Sure as heck we talked about it in every history class I ever had since I left primary school, and I lived in one of America's most conservative states.
Historians talk about it. Talk show hosts talk about it. Bloggers talk about it. Funsubstance users talk about it. The idea that these things are kept on the down-low is simply false.
im sorry, but i just gonna speak the truth.. american white people always talk about equality, they always act like they never did something wrong, and act like they own the land, and feel other race as non american, they are the one who are not american, they take the country, and they always going on and on about how other race that born in america (such as latino, african, chinese) they named it african american or chinese american, or even tho this other race born in america, but if we talk about this about how they take indian's land, and make indian endangered, they always said " of course we are american, we born on this island" or " yeah, long time ago all of us come from africa " or " well, indian come from another island, not exactly native american" even tho they call african or chinese that from great great grandparents were alreaady born in US " africa america " or " chinese america " and of course indian not there before, but they come and live in the land long before the
european come, and when america still doesnt have any inhabitant, that makes them the true native.. but, of course i dont think that you white people are not american, well, people who born there are american, so you cant call people african american or chinese american, when you dont have the right too. dont just call something that you take by force ( well, you will say that the native give in and just welcome the white people and just give the land to the white people, we cant blame them, because you guys already have guns, and they just have spear ) as your own. when people welcome you, you dont take their belongings, just dont feel right all the time. sorry for my bad english and grammar, but i think i should point this out when i feel like it's the truth, dont bother replying, i wont see this again
Grow up.
But I'm not. You can't blame the people's descendants for their ancestors. If anything, OP is looking for someone to blame "just because".
Because guess what? History is written by the winners. That's how the world works.
Historians talk about it. Talk show hosts talk about it. Bloggers talk about it. Funsubstance users talk about it. The idea that these things are kept on the down-low is simply false.