Everything is sad, if you want so. The trick is trying to find nice and funny things in majority of situations... Or just cry all the life, idk I'm just some words on your display...
· 10 years ago
Right but if you saw a human getting chased be a gang or terrorists you wouldn't be laughing. Laughing at somethings last moments isn't funny. Everything isn't sad. That's just depressing. But watching something run for its life is very sad to me.
Terrorists aren't chasing the human because of their instinct and need for eat. The tigers are chasing the victim, because they need food. They have cubs to feed, they need to feed their group they're hunting with and they need to gain respect and experiences, to be good hunters and feed even themselves. That's completely natural and common thing in nature.
· 10 years ago
However terrorists defending their country and religion is equally comparable. That little bird isn't going to fill even one lion. Human nature is the exact same as animal nature. It would be different if it was a gazelle. That could feed them. Just a little bird that will barely make a dent is sad to me. The lions know it isn't enough, they're doing it for fun and to show their strength to the others. The exact same thing terrorists do. Killing is instinct for humans too. However we are taught not to do it to each other
Terrorists don't defend anything. Radicals might be, but terrorists hurt people for shits n giggles. ISIS is a true terrorist organization because they say "Fuck you die" as opposed to other radical groups who say "Join us or die".
Eh? Honestly the fact that you've taken to these little cheapshots as your defence pretty much proves my point. You're unable to put up a proper argument for fuck's sake.
sorry ladyofshallot, but this is totally different. Terrorists aren't acting out of instinct, they're acting out of their interpretation of something human made- what they do won't help them achieve anything they NEED. the tigers are predatory animals with a moving target- their instinct is to satisfy hunger and catch the prey animal. While it isn't a nice idea, it's the way the world is. The predator chases the prey. Humans are a different case, we've created our own personal world and tried to step out of our animal roots. If terrorists tried to kill people to eat them, it would be the same- but they don't- they do it because of an interpretation that has been developed over years. That's the difference. For people- it's development. For the tigers- it's instinct.
that and, I doubt the tigers are doing it to look strong. Tigers are generally solitary animals, they don't normally live in prides or groups like lions so in most cases, there shouldn't be a dominance clash. No matter how small that bird is, it's prey- it won't fully satisfy them, but it will keep them going for a little. They're animals, they don't stop and think "that's not enough, I'll keep looking." because they don't know how long they'll have to look for. Then see a prey animal that they are capable of killing and eating quickly. They don't know when their next meal will be or how large it will be- they can't just go to the store and buy food and they can't afford to be picky.
· 10 years ago
Listen Ironman, in saying that because you learn in college psychology that humans and animals are all one with each other. Terrorists like cruelty and they feel they have to defend their land. If you don't agree with me, fine. That's just my opinion. And your adolescent arguments are not close to changing my mind.
That college psychology is completely irrelevant. You've contradicted your point, enjoying cruelty and defending something are two completely different things. If you truly are defending something, you don't go out hunting for things to kill outside your territory. If you truly enjoy cruelty, you don't stay within your little bounds to kill whoever comes in; you go out and find things to mess up.
· 10 years ago
You can defend something and still enjoy it. Psychology was brought up because humans and animals are very similar regardless of what you say. It's a proven fact.
That still doesn't change the difference between enjoying cruelty and enjoying defending. I'll gladly kill anyone who tries to kill me. After they're dead, I might even rip up their body and drape their organs over me so that nobody messes with me ever again. But I don't go looking for people to kill and disembowel. I'm not even gonna try to go to rough neighborhoods. But if in the horrible event that someone tries to hurt me, there will be nothing to indicate that they were even human when I'm done.
It's like those women who go out topless and expect people to NOT grope or even stare. Well guess what bitch, people'll are gonna look. Some impolite people might even grab. These women are (despite what they say) are asking to be looked at.
Look guys, if someone's first reaction is to call your perspective "adolescent" because it disagrees with their frankly ludicrous claim, then there are better ways to spend your time than argue with them. Later.
I think there's some sort of fence in the background so i'm guessing it's a sanctuary of some sort
· 10 years ago
Tylerchu, that whole paragraph was just you bragging about how tough you are and how you can easily murder someone. So... Yeah. And you also saying it a girls fault if she is sexually assaulted is also ridiculous on so many levels. I can't even begin to try and make an actual argument because of how bogus your life is. So...although I thoroughly enjoyed reading about how manly you are, that paragraph wasn't even an argument.
I've seen it all now.