Every culture, and country has racism. And hatred, sadly won't solve it. Look at what is going on with ISIS or when blacks were slaves. I'm in Canada and every race sadly has at least one person who will hate someone else for having a different race. We don't decide what race we are born into and we are born proud of who we are. Yet society tries and sometimes can even be successful in making us ashamed or even scared of the race we are. Dear other guest: think before you fucking speak and say such s bold statement as saying all of one race is someway, because I bet my life that if that was said about your race you'd be just as fucking quick to stand up for who YOU are. If you title a race as being something you are targeting each and every individual in that race. Think about that next time. And don't use your negligence of common sense as an excuse.
I saw this as a horrible video about shark fining. All the sharks who were killed for this. It happens all over the world. Google shark fining. Sharks are an important part of an ecosystem and they are being eliminated.
· 10 years ago
This comment thread is about racism when it should be about the dead sharks!!! Almost every fin on every roof is from a shark that had its fins hacked off and was left to drown. This practice is destroying ecosystems and entire species. It is a WORLD WIDE issue (the oceans are connected don't cha know) that needs to be shut down.
Can't we all agree that humanity as a whole is a scourge on this planet and we'll stop at nothing until everything we know and love is destroyed by our own hands. Humanity is a virus. While a small percentage of us are fighting for justice and truth, the vast majority are interested in short term gain over anything else, and that will destroy us as a species. Life finds a way, and long after we're gone, life will come and go repeatedly. But this video truly makes me feel ashamed for being human.
Some of them can be, my friends (who I should point out are westerners) went to Japan and received nothing but hateful and hurtful comments like "all white women look like pigs etc." I'm not making this up, it was terrible. Compounded by the fact that Japan doesn't want outsiders to immigrate to their country (there was a story recently where an Indian man was abused by his Japanese co-workers just for being a different skin colour). I'm absolutely positive that they're NOT all like that, but a strong amount seemed to act that way when my friends visited Japan. I cannot speak for China and for any other Asian country. It's a shame though, I really love Japan and its people. I LOVE YOU JAPAN AND ALWAYS WILL.
hey guest not all asians are like that. You talk as if every asian person is like that - which the're not. Im actually really fking offended with what you say. sorry people my raging starts here. DO YOU EXPECT THE COUNTRIES TO HAVE ENOUGH BLOODY FOOD TO FEED EVERYONE? THERE ARE THOUSANDS OF POOR PEOPLE WHO DONT FKING HAVE THE MONEY TO EVEN BUY A BOWL OF RICE. THERE ARE ANIMALS THERE SO WHY SHOULD THEY STARVE AND WATCH THE ANIMALS GET FATTER?? WE EAT THOSE STUFF NOT BECAUSE WE WANT TO BUT BECAUSE WE BLOODY DONT HAVE ENOUGH MONEY TO BUY A DECENT MEAL. WE EAT THOSE TO SURVIVE. Another thing to think about, is that those are Japan's tradition. The tradition that has been going on for hundreds of years. You cant just go to them and be like "hey stop killing sharks because its mean" It takes time to adjust. Its like going to france and telling them to 'stop eating smails because we dont like it."
sorry guys, im just really really offended
im gonna say the truth. All countries have their fare share of racist people. I live in australia and iv actually had people yell stuff like "go back to your own country" or "All chinese people should die" this is actually pretty harsh since im 14yrs old. But then again when i go to china for holidays i have seen some chinese people being rude to tourists. Its just that some people cant tolerate changes. Btw i agree with everything you say xD I just disagree with the guest :P
Yep, I'm Australian as well and Ive received similar treatment as an Italian/Austrian, I've had slurs like "you fuckin wog go back to your fascist country" screamed at me or "your people should be gassed for what you did during WWII, Hitler was Austrian all Austrians should die" and after kissing a friend on both cheeks (a cultural thing we do in Italy to show that we care about someone) I heard "we don't need anymore filthy Italians, you fuckin feeler."
My parents immigrated here for a better life and this is what I get? It's not just Asians, there are "true Aussies" who believe in a pure, British/Irish Australia. WELL SORRY BUT MY HOME COUNTRIES ARE CURRENTLY IN A SHAMBLE! I'm so sorry that you've had to experience such racial behaviour sugarmochi, I think all Asians are beautiful and I envy your wonderful culture. You're all so blessed and I love you all :)
I agree, guest was generalizing WAY TOO MUCH.
I feel you. Btw i really like italian pizza. Italy have some of the best stuff in the world, like PIZZA AND PASTAAAAAAAA<3 <3
Edited 10 years ago
· 10 years ago
Hey guest, why did you make this about race? It's about shark fining!!! One of the most vicious and environmentally degrading things on earth. They cut the fins off of them and throw them back into the water where they drown.
You have to ask why? why is there shark finning? it's because of some antiquated tradition developed in China, which encourages shark fin to be eaten by the wealthy. It is a sign of wealth to eat shark fins even though they have no real taste and are tough to get. The modern growing Chinese Middle class buy into this and further enforce this antiquated cultural belief.
My rant about Asians comes from personal experiences living abroad in Asian countries. Plus Predominantly Asian cultures are associated with shark finning.
Darling, if you have researched shark finning, you would realise that countries all over the world eat it. People from around the world demand to have shark fin, Its just that the asian countries (china and japan) has more consumers then anywhere else.
sorry guys, im just really really offended
My parents immigrated here for a better life and this is what I get? It's not just Asians, there are "true Aussies" who believe in a pure, British/Irish Australia. WELL SORRY BUT MY HOME COUNTRIES ARE CURRENTLY IN A SHAMBLE! I'm so sorry that you've had to experience such racial behaviour sugarmochi, I think all Asians are beautiful and I envy your wonderful culture. You're all so blessed and I love you all :)
I agree, guest was generalizing WAY TOO MUCH.
I feel you. Btw i really like italian pizza. Italy have some of the best stuff in the world, like PIZZA AND PASTAAAAAAAA<3 <3
My rant about Asians comes from personal experiences living abroad in Asian countries. Plus Predominantly Asian cultures are associated with shark finning.