Because society brainwashed people to do one thing. They tell us not having hair is sexy. They say girls with hair are dirty and masculine. So men believe it and women fall for it. They say smooth tan legs and arms are beautiful and mark a true woman.when in fact, being natural and loving yourself and your body is the best thing you can do. And yes, my legs are hairy right now..
Oh for God's sake why is EVERYTHING always the product of "society's relentless brainwashing of you poor, brainless lambs."
Why the fuck can't people understand that whatever a person's attracted to is almost entirely a natural preference? Stop pinning everything on society so readily.
I don't like body hair on anyone. Guys and girls. Because it seems unhygienic since you sweat a lot during the day and most of it is on your body. Just smelly and gross.
But I mean I'm not gonna get up in your face about it, it is your choice.
I'm with you on that, I don't like it on guys either, at least talking about legs and arms. Personaly, I shave my legs because I *love* the soft feeling. Any pants feel like silk! But if other people do it or not, it doesnt affects my view on them
No. Satin. Hail Satin, for he is far superior to silk.
· 10 years ago
But taking a shower everyday eliminates it. It's one thing if you don't wear deodorant and if you don't ever trim. But being natural shows you accept yourself. The only reason men want women to shave is because society brought it about. If you didn't like hair, and thought it was gross, wouldn't you want people to shave their heads? Out of curiosity, why are you okay with long hair on heads?
Head hair is different. There's more use to it. There's really no other use to body hair besides keeping you warm, which is what clothes do.
And yeah, showering eliminates it, but it still accumulates during the day and I doubt people would shampoo their body hair so all that cleans it is body wash. And if I wouldn't wash my head hair with it why would I wash my body hair with it ?
And it's not hair in general, it's body hair. And if I want to shave I will, and if I want a partner who is shaved that's who I'll date. But I'm not going to force you to or tell you you should. That's just my take.
I'm confused as to what uses head hair has, and I agree with the accumulation bit, but as for the differences between shampoo and body wash, it's more for your body's sake you don't use the same thing than your hair's. Shampoo is a detergent, meaning that it doesn't just clean, it removes all the oil in your hair, which makes it easier to keep grease-free, but it's not actually good for your hair, and it isn't necessary anywhere else because it will just result in dry skin and exceptionally coarse body hair.
Alright ladyofshallot, I'm glad you know so much about why guys like things.... I don't like hair in general (except on the head, obviously) I have a lot of hair and it's kinda annoying. But that's only because of what I want. How about you look at it like this, would you like it if guys NEVER shaved anything EVER? Even their beards...
Their beards might get floor length, but even the men who have mountain man beards don't get asked "god, don't you ever shave?" If guys never shave anything ever that's their own choice. I wouldn't date them, but I wouldn't say "Girls don't like that" or "you really should shave" or "omg are you a cave man"... all things people have said to me because I have hairy legs as a woman. With no provocation whatsoever.
· 10 years ago
Lol I'm not talking about pubic hair. That's a preference for sure because your mouth is on it. I mean body and head
· 10 years ago
I'm totally not judging anyone im just curious. For me, if my body persistently grows it back, there must be a reason for it. I just believe whatever for body does, it does for good reason. Body hair stops chafing etc. People are so obsessed with eliminating human functions its just bewildering to me sometimes. Idk. That's just my two cents.
Well, we're evolving to have less and less hair. We also have wisdom teeth but we no longer need them so we remove them. Same with the appendix. The human body is evolving and it is your choice as to shave it or not.
The appendix is also a vestigial trait, currently it has no known function in the human body, but at one point in history it may have served an important trait that we simply lost through adaption.
· 10 years ago
Ah, thank you. I've always been curious, but I couldn't find any straight answers.
The current theory is that it helped us digest bones. Tonsils are yet another vestigial trait, but fuck if I know what they ever did.
· 10 years ago
I might be wrong but I learned that your appendix actually helps create white blood cells and helps fight diseases. And now a bunch of people who had them removed are becoming very sick because they don't have the antibodies to fight the illnesses. But idk
All blood cells (red, white, and platelets) are made in your bone marrow from stem cells there. :)
Edit: also looked up the use. The appendix is believed to be a safe house for good bacteria, so it could still cause certain problems to have it removed, but it's probably better than letting it burst.
There are pills you can buy in case you ever need your good bacteria boosted, but most of them are perfectly safe in your body unless you get a disease or something similar. :)
· 10 years ago
Yea, my mom makes me eat a ton of yogurt and stuff, since that boosts good bacteria, seeing as my immune system is a pile of crap.
Read that first sentence of the post again. This was just to get people to stop overreacting about it (at least that's my take). I have had /so many people/, especially guys go "GROSS YOU'RE HAIRY" because I don't shave my legs. I'm not dating them, I'm not even talking to them or contemplating being friends, we're just in the same area.
There's actually a scientific reason behind this. Less hair on a woman's body is a sign of both youth and estrogen, two things that are beneficial to healthy reproduction. I'm not saying guys are going, "awe, man, I'd like to create genetically superior offspring with that female!" but subconsciously that's what's going on.
· 10 years ago
Yes you create society. But it is mob psychology. If one person likes one thing it spreads like wildfire. That's why fashion exists, or anything social exists, really. And @ironman if you are too naiive and ignorant to admit that your choices on this are not due to society, you might want to reevaluate your life. Men in Europe don't care about the hair... Because society says women shouldn't shave.
I guess I'm just a dumb brain washed pig of a man because I find shaved women who aren't overweight attractive, damn me to hell! Curse me and my taste in women!
· 10 years ago
Dude. Calm down. You're over the top. Seriously. Like, if you can't come up with an argument don't bother just being condescending and boisterous. Kay?
It's all a subconscious and natural thing, less hair means youth and more prime for reproducing, same with big hips and breasts, it's hardwired into men to find these traits attractive for reproducing, it's called science and it happens, shave or don't shave just lay off the "Ohhhh society, I'm so oppressed" bullshit, were evolving to have less and less hair regardless
· 10 years ago
I'm not saying I'm oppressed. At all. If I wasn't ALLOWED to grow hair I would be oppressed. I'm just saying. Insulting people and calling my opinions "bullshit" just shows you can't make a proper argument
Friend took me for a Brazilian wax before I went on a 3 week beach vacation. Everything was gone. Every single hair. I looked great in my swimsuit but it was weird going to the bathroom. I had to blot cause wiping wouldn't work. After that, I got a bikini wax and liked it. Having no hair in the crease of my leg means it doesn't tangle & knot from my underwear or swim suit rubbing. And I trim the rest so that when I do have my period, the hair doesn't act like a paintbrush and get it EVERYWHERE!
Well...I personally just don't like hair on me and I'm a female. I don't like the feeling of myself being fury and I don't think that I was conditioned to believe that, its just a personal preference, just as a guy liking or disliking a girl with hair is a personal preference.
Why the fuck can't people understand that whatever a person's attracted to is almost entirely a natural preference? Stop pinning everything on society so readily.
But I mean I'm not gonna get up in your face about it, it is your choice.
And when you rub freshly shaved legs against silk or satin ... Amazing
And yeah, showering eliminates it, but it still accumulates during the day and I doubt people would shampoo their body hair so all that cleans it is body wash. And if I wouldn't wash my head hair with it why would I wash my body hair with it ?
And it's not hair in general, it's body hair. And if I want to shave I will, and if I want a partner who is shaved that's who I'll date. But I'm not going to force you to or tell you you should. That's just my take.
Edit: also looked up the use. The appendix is believed to be a safe house for good bacteria, so it could still cause certain problems to have it removed, but it's probably better than letting it burst.
"Why are Human Males so hairy?"