I'm sorry... admittedly I'm torn over this, but I kind of have to agree with morrelli...
Y'all are cute and all and that's fine if that's your thing, but... I mean, don't let me stop you, don't let our opinion get in the way.
I don't really want a valentine... If there's one out there for me... Please be a secret admirer. I won't be able to handle it.
*hugs Morelli*
It's okay... You can just buy Valentine's Day chocolates
· 10 years ago
Also, to provide some clarification for the motives of this post; It's not about me not having a Valentine - to be honest, I couldn't care less. I am just really tired of people breaking the first rule of Talk - Don't post to communicate with another specific user. Hurts my brain, and fills the All page with stuff we don't really need. Rant mode deactivated. Thank you.
(FYI, I was only annoyed that everyone was making entire posts about Valentines and such. IMO, a comment is fine, but a whole post? Really? Is waste of space :P)
Y'all are cute and all and that's fine if that's your thing, but... I mean, don't let me stop you, don't let our opinion get in the way.
I don't really want a valentine... If there's one out there for me... Please be a secret admirer. I won't be able to handle it.
It's okay... You can just buy Valentine's Day chocolates
(FYI, I was only annoyed that everyone was making entire posts about Valentines and such. IMO, a comment is fine, but a whole post? Really? Is waste of space :P)
now I'm unsure if he'd say yes?