I mean, didn't the government just admit that they were spying on everyone... so yeah it is clever. If anyone is going to have hackers good enough to watch you without raising alarm it would be them.
Edited 10 years ago
· 10 years ago
Watching someone's activity on a pc it's almost a child's game. Some agencies just have more sofisticated systems.
I'm used to this set up. But I would understand, if you are bored with this one... But yeah, you should redecorate, your table would be better under the window and the bed just opposite the table. I would have view on the whole room then. And you should have some new poster...
Honestly I don't know why anyone would want to spy on me while I'm on the computer I just sit there (half the time I look like poop) and it's not like I leave my computer open and aim it at myself when I'm dressing.
I have a tape over my laptop camera like, right now, too! someone told me they could spy on us that way and ever since, im just squinting at it like,"you.. i know youre watching..." so one day i decided to do something about it and stick a small piece of cream duct tape over it. problem solved. i mean, of course, i dont aim the camera at myself everytime i undress, but i might accidentally. you dont realize the position you put your laptop in because it doesnt matter, or at least when you forgot about the camera, it doesnt. besides, just the thought of someone watching my every move creeps me out. precaution- it doesnt hurt.
· 10 years ago
People can spy your camera with a trojan horse (or trojan, for short) or similar tools/techniques.
So you all are doing good with your privacy :)
I heard that even if they spy on you, the light that indicates your camera is in use will still go on. Supposedly there aren't many people skilled enough to hack into your computer and disable the light fuction.
Was I misinformed?
· 10 years ago
Depends on your camera, it's drivers, and the method used to watch you, as well as the skills of the person doing it and the interest they have on not being caught.
As a rule of thumb, /most/ cameras will turn on the light in /most/ cases.
That doesn't means it can't happen otherwise. More like a ~90% chance that it will light.
Anyhow, you shouldn't trust it even if it is 'not turned on'. If you can PHYSICALLY (normally in desktop pc's, not laptops) dissconect the camera, it's your best choice.
I have an external speaker that clips on to the top of my laptop screen thus blocking the camera and speaker in one go. One of the things I hate about technology is the fact that cameras are pretty much everywhere, it tends to make me feel slightly paranoid.
I feel you.
I brought my laptop to my web design class and there were pieces of paper stuck to the webcam and the mic was turned off and everyone looked at me weird
· 9 years ago
Well then someone sure gets their money's worth every Sunday morning
So you all are doing good with your privacy :)
Was I misinformed?
As a rule of thumb, /most/ cameras will turn on the light in /most/ cases.
That doesn't means it can't happen otherwise. More like a ~90% chance that it will light.
Anyhow, you shouldn't trust it even if it is 'not turned on'. If you can PHYSICALLY (normally in desktop pc's, not laptops) dissconect the camera, it's your best choice.
I brought my laptop to my web design class and there were pieces of paper stuck to the webcam and the mic was turned off and everyone looked at me weird