They're scared because in vaccines there's a VERY small amount ( often times dead version ) of a virus so that your immune system knows what it's fighting. I mean, that can be scary, but only if you're an idiot who didn't pay attention in school. It's pretty basic if you know how your immune system works and not scary at all.
Some idiot living in his mommas basement wrote some bullshit, painted it gold and posted it on the internet, where gullible morons think everything is true so they stop listening to the people who actually know what they are talking about.
I was vaccinated and I've never had the chickenpox or anything. Worst I've had is the flu. I guess that's good, right? My sister on the other hand, well her immune system is shit anyway.
· 10 years ago
Well,I've had a few vaccinations.I'm actually pretty strong against any type of virus.That may be because I was born extremely sick,and had to fight for my life,in a way.So,basically,I punch viruses in the face.If I can't,then vaccine.
My sister's kinda the opposite. I'm relatively healthy year-round (physical wise) save for the occasional common cold. She, on the other hand gets sick multiple times every year for at least a week and once had pneumonia. Unlike you and I, apparently.
You should have the right to control what is or what is not put into your body! You people who say it should be illegal not to vaccinate have no idea what kind of slippery slope you are dealing with!
And I am not saying vaccines are bad AT ALL.
Yes YOU do, but kids are too young to understand the consequences of not getting vaccinated. Obviously they'd chose to NOT get a shot because little kids are terrified of them. And you shouldn't have a choice on that for your child. Like feeding them a vegetarian diet their whole life. If they never have meat then their body will reject it when they're older and they won't have a choice then. Just like with vaccines, they can't decided if they're dead.
People can do what they want. Its their personal choice. We don't see much diseases because everything is so much more sanitary, not because of vaccines. I work as a nurse and lots of kids who don't get vaccines have stronger immune systems then those who are vaccinated. Sometimes right after a vaccine people get horrible reactions and many go to the ICU, its just that know one tells of the dark side of vaccines. Who cares what scientist and doctors say, people should use their head. Doctors before would say that smoking is good for you, until people started getting lung cancer, there are a lot more things I can talk about where doctors and scientist were wrong.
Sanitation pretty much only deals with bacteria, unless you're in a zone that calls for a complete lockdown, and then you're involving an entire team of hazmat suits cleansing a relatively small area.
I agree with your point that doctors can be swayed by donations, and become corrupt with their results. But vaccines have saved many lives. Things such as polio are a rare if ever occurrence with these new medical advancements. And being that it protects the well being of the community, I do strongly recommended it.
However, I don't think it should be mandatory for everyone because, like you said, it can cause severe allergic reactions to some people. The idea would be to vaccinate as many people as possible so that those who can't vaccinate are not as adversely affected with the viruses.
Well people also used to think the world was flat. As we learn more we can do things better and more efficiently. Just because they said something long ago doesn't mean it's true. They thought that then but then they learned they were wrong.
I was vaccinated at a young age and haven't had anything. No flu, chicken pox, nothing. Worst I've had was a small bug and I only get that once every few years. None of my friends have ever had any of the diseases that are prevented from vaccines.
And just because things are more sanitary doesn't mean anything. In freshman year biology I learned about how viruses evolve to be stronger to get to you. So they would evolve to get to you even in sanitary environment.
Honestly I can't believe people who works in health department will say things such as you did. Are you belittling what the doctors and scientist had dedicated their whole life for? They were the ones who going through the education and obviously has better understanding than people who don't. There's a reason why they're suggesting something, because they have learn the truth about it based on solid science. Not just some random baseless theory anti-vaccine people comes up with. How many people get that anaphylactic shock from vaccine that we should abandon the obvious fact that vaccine does help more than ruin?
Always fighting for the right to choose and for freedom - but God beware someone does not want to vaccinate their kids.
(Just wanting to state to state the irony - I'm vaccinated and would vaccinate my kids)
Because if they don't vaccinate their kids then they can get others sick, and it would be your fault because you didn't get your kids vaccinated.
Like, if you smoked and you smoked in a no smoking zone among people who didn't smoke, your second hand smoke could cause them to develop lung cancer or get sick.
And so if you don't vaccinate your kids, they could get sick with a deadly disease and die and they could infect others with the same deadly disease. So it's not just yourself. Viruses don't need consent to enter your body but you can block them before they get you.
Most children diseases you only get once and after that you're immune. They are most of the times harmless for children, they are way more dangerous if you get them as an adult. Vaccines don't always work on everyone so if you're not naturally immune as an adult you could be screwed. That's why parents throw these chicken pox parties so the children all get chicken pox and have it other with then and are immune.
Like I said I'm vaccinated against most things myself (though I actually had chicken pox as a kid and I'm totally not getting vaccinated against the flu - hello? It's just the flu!) - but I can also see the point of the parents. Natural immunity is always better than an immunity created by medicine. We depend on medicine way to much anyway. That's why most immune systems are crap. Of course you shouldn't bring your sick child to kindergarten or school and risk others who don't want that. But if you keep your child home until it's totally healthy again - their choice.
Mgoveia is right
Practically none of those diseases are like chicken pox where you get them once and only once
ALSO the reason you don't get it again is because that's how your immune system works. It now knows the virus and can protect you against it. And with vaccines it shows your immune system what it is BEFORE you get it.
And yes, we rely on modern medicine so much because it's keeping us healthy and not having any mass diseases that kill 1/3 of the world again.
Lastly. You need to get vaccinated from the flu. Viruses evolve to be stronger and stealthier and so the one you got the year before isn't gonna cut it the next. And it's not JUST the flu. 12 million ( I think ) have been dying from it
I rely on living healthy and getting fresh vitamins and excercising. That's keeping my immune system strong and it's strong enough for me not get the flu. See, that's my choice. If you feel the need to get vaccinated from everything there is, that's yours. I respect that. I don't mind being sick from time to time. I get a cold every now and then and last year I had mono but that's about it. I'm totally fine apart from that without any medication.
I actually thought measles are also the kind of disease you only get once (in normal cases) and are immune after that. And mumps too. And for chicken pox and rubella there are very rare second infections.
I know how my immune system works. But there's a lot more in vaccines than just the original virus and you can never know how your body will react to that. So yeah, I respect people to choose not to vaccinate their kids and don't see a problem there when they are responsible and take care of their child.
Yes, diet/exercise/sleep/etc generally help keep your immune system strong, but there is so much wrong with the rest of that comment. It's asinine to "respect" people's choice when it affects others around them. That word has been getting thrown around way too often by people with no idea what it means, as some sort of get-out-of-jail-free card when it comes to employing logic and basic common sense.
If you actually care about the subject outside of your own personal health, there's plenty of actual SCIENCE available online, including details and stats on adverse reactions, if you know how to recognize reputable websites.
Excuse me? I am vaccinated and would vaccinate my kids. I am in no way responsible for losing herd immunity (except if you are now talking about the flu).
I do not see the problem in parents not vaccinating their kids. I see the problem in parents not taking proper care of their children at home and sending them back to kindergarten/school too early. That happens all the time. You know how many outbreaks of diseases there are in my nephews kindergarten because parents aren't able to keep their kids home? And I am not talking about chicken pox or measles but about normal diseases you can't get vaccinated from. That's a general problem with parents. They don't have the time to take care of their children until they are fully recovered.
We have given you REASON after REASON again and again why people should vaccinate their kids. These diseases are deadly and easily prevented by getting the vaccine. The common cold is simple and more than likely won't kill you, but that'd something everyone gets. We aren't talking about those, though. We're talking about dangerous ones that kill young kids and severely harm adults.
And if someone doesn't vaccinate their kid that increases the chances that they'll spread it to someone else. Like you said, parents send their sick kids to school way too early, buy that's why it's better to prevent them from getting sick so they don't have the dilemma of not being able to keep their kids home as often.
Lastly, the only reason people don't want to vac their kids is from a HEAVILY biased study by a man who got his medical degree/license taken away because he admitted yo tweaking the results to get the outcome he wanted.
· 10 years ago
Sorry for missing that you are vaccinated in my rush to jump all over the idea of respecting someone's right to not vaccinate their child. 500 deaths a year from the measles before the invention of the vaccine. The flu kills immune compromised people every year (infants, elderly, pregnant, sick). 8,000 deaths a year from whooping cough before the vaccine. The biggest current death group of that last is children under 6 months who can't be vaccinated. I got my whooping cough booster before my daughter was born to protect her and made sure every adult that comes near her got theirs. People who chose to not get vaccinated or not vaccinate their children are putting others health and lives at risk. If there is a legitimate reason, sure, a few unvaxed people here and there shouldn't affect the population as a whole. But this whole anti-vax fad (yes, I believe it's an ill informed idiot look-at-me-I'm-smarter-than-the-man fad) is killing people. I don't respect anyone who makes that choice.
· 10 years ago
For all the people with actual genuine allergic reactions to vaccinations. First off, the most common allergic reaction is to the egg protein and scientists are coming out with more and more egg-free vaccines. Second, YOU should be pro vaccine more than anyone. People who legitimately can't get it due to age (my 5 month old daughter can't get her MMR vaccine for another 7 months), poor health, or allergies need everyone else to get the vaccines to create herd immunity. That's what drives me the most crazy about anti vaxers. Their decison does not affect just them. 6 of the measles cases in Disneyland were in children too young to vaccinate and now there are cases up by me and my young daughter. And why? Anti vaxers are making a poorly informed decision based on a 'study' that has been debunked hundreds of times AND the guy that published it admitted to making it up. Measles was eradicated in the US in 2000. Why are we going backward?
Edited 10 years ago
· 10 years ago
And to all those saying it's a 'normal childhood illness'. Yes, back before the invention of the vaccine pretty much everyone got the measles before their 15th birthday. And 500 Americans died of the measles every year. When the vaccine came out mothers lined up their children to get it. Of course they did. They knew the harm measles could do. Our generation has forgotten what these vaccine preventable deseases can do so they have made up an enemy in the vaccines themselves.
I agree with you anyone who has ever had whooping cough because they didn't get a simple little shot would agree, imagine a small 35 pound kid coughing so hard he breaks a rib and pops a lung, it used to be common place for that to happen! The benefits of a vaccine far outweigh any consequences even if you can't be vaccinated because of an allergy to a component if everyone else around you is then you are at least partially protected.
Here is another side for you - I never had allergies I i was vaccinated for school. For the next 11 years I spent 6 months on heavy medications to try and control them with little luck. Hay fever,environmental and pets. We moved to America,still had to do some shots - timed it so I wont be around any allergens. I developed food allergies within days of the vaccination. So yeah tell me again just how vaccines are making my life great...besides FYI - mums and measles are considered normal childhood diseases where im from. They are only dangerous to adults because of the potential complications due to secondary bacterial infections. I respect your opinion and decision to vaccinate,so please respect mine not to
I apologize, but I cannot respect you decision not to vaccinate your kids. You had an allergic reaction but not all kids do, and there are worse diseases vaccines help prevent and if all these people don't vaccinate their kids they're going to catch it and they may die when it would have been preventable.
And if your kids didn't get vaccinated they could still get the disease in adulthood and cause even more problems, because my grandpa got chicken pox and it left him sterile and he couldn't have anymore kids.
I can second the chicken pox thing it happened to me because my (stupid as rocks) parents refused to get me vaccinated for anything thanks to them I've just about died WAY too many times, can't have kids, have lasting health issues from being sick so much and I get sick at the drop of any hat, even though I was vaccinated later in life (after I left my parents home and religion) this measles crap has me scared shitless because I could likely catch it.
And I am not saying vaccines are bad AT ALL.
I agree with your point that doctors can be swayed by donations, and become corrupt with their results. But vaccines have saved many lives. Things such as polio are a rare if ever occurrence with these new medical advancements. And being that it protects the well being of the community, I do strongly recommended it.
However, I don't think it should be mandatory for everyone because, like you said, it can cause severe allergic reactions to some people. The idea would be to vaccinate as many people as possible so that those who can't vaccinate are not as adversely affected with the viruses.
I was vaccinated at a young age and haven't had anything. No flu, chicken pox, nothing. Worst I've had was a small bug and I only get that once every few years. None of my friends have ever had any of the diseases that are prevented from vaccines.
And just because things are more sanitary doesn't mean anything. In freshman year biology I learned about how viruses evolve to be stronger to get to you. So they would evolve to get to you even in sanitary environment.
(Just wanting to state to state the irony - I'm vaccinated and would vaccinate my kids)
Like, if you smoked and you smoked in a no smoking zone among people who didn't smoke, your second hand smoke could cause them to develop lung cancer or get sick.
And so if you don't vaccinate your kids, they could get sick with a deadly disease and die and they could infect others with the same deadly disease. So it's not just yourself. Viruses don't need consent to enter your body but you can block them before they get you.
Like I said I'm vaccinated against most things myself (though I actually had chicken pox as a kid and I'm totally not getting vaccinated against the flu - hello? It's just the flu!) - but I can also see the point of the parents. Natural immunity is always better than an immunity created by medicine. We depend on medicine way to much anyway. That's why most immune systems are crap. Of course you shouldn't bring your sick child to kindergarten or school and risk others who don't want that. But if you keep your child home until it's totally healthy again - their choice.
Vaccines =/= antibiotics.
That's a whole different bag of worms.
Practically none of those diseases are like chicken pox where you get them once and only once
ALSO the reason you don't get it again is because that's how your immune system works. It now knows the virus and can protect you against it. And with vaccines it shows your immune system what it is BEFORE you get it.
And yes, we rely on modern medicine so much because it's keeping us healthy and not having any mass diseases that kill 1/3 of the world again.
Lastly. You need to get vaccinated from the flu. Viruses evolve to be stronger and stealthier and so the one you got the year before isn't gonna cut it the next. And it's not JUST the flu. 12 million ( I think ) have been dying from it
I actually thought measles are also the kind of disease you only get once (in normal cases) and are immune after that. And mumps too. And for chicken pox and rubella there are very rare second infections.
I know how my immune system works. But there's a lot more in vaccines than just the original virus and you can never know how your body will react to that. So yeah, I respect people to choose not to vaccinate their kids and don't see a problem there when they are responsible and take care of their child.
If you actually care about the subject outside of your own personal health, there's plenty of actual SCIENCE available online, including details and stats on adverse reactions, if you know how to recognize reputable websites.
I do not see the problem in parents not vaccinating their kids. I see the problem in parents not taking proper care of their children at home and sending them back to kindergarten/school too early. That happens all the time. You know how many outbreaks of diseases there are in my nephews kindergarten because parents aren't able to keep their kids home? And I am not talking about chicken pox or measles but about normal diseases you can't get vaccinated from. That's a general problem with parents. They don't have the time to take care of their children until they are fully recovered.
And if someone doesn't vaccinate their kid that increases the chances that they'll spread it to someone else. Like you said, parents send their sick kids to school way too early, buy that's why it's better to prevent them from getting sick so they don't have the dilemma of not being able to keep their kids home as often.
Lastly, the only reason people don't want to vac their kids is from a HEAVILY biased study by a man who got his medical degree/license taken away because he admitted yo tweaking the results to get the outcome he wanted.
And if your kids didn't get vaccinated they could still get the disease in adulthood and cause even more problems, because my grandpa got chicken pox and it left him sterile and he couldn't have anymore kids.