Theres radicals and extremists in every religion. Islam has ISIS and Al-Qaeda, Christianity had the KKK and westboro baptist. And I'm sure theres others in other religions. Being Islamic doesn't automatically make you a terrorist or like the bad ones that are always portrayed.
· 10 years ago
Thank you, well said. The majority of Muslims are good people. Why are they good? Because our religion teaches us to be. We follow it with an open heart and compassion. I've lived in the Middle East for 12 years and spoken to many Christians and even Jews, and they are happy living alongside Muslims in countries such as Qatar, Bahrain, UAE, Kuwait, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and even Egypt. Extremists use any opportunity they can to just inflict violence and terror and I'm fed up of it. I really want to make a difference when I'm older against these radicals, perhaps start a movement or campaign. Because it is time for us Muslims to take back our religion from these messed-up crackheads. Any support would be nice.
Actually, the Crusaders were violent where as the Muslims kept churches as churches and let people seek refuge there. They hurt no citizens and only fought those who attacked them. In their holy book, it even tells them to feed prisoners of war "before you and of your own food".
I'm not Muslim, but I'm considering converting. It's hard to find truth through all the media's shit- I've read and studied Fiq and the Quran, but I wannalearn a little more. Are there any other books I can study easily in my spare time?
· 10 years ago
Wow, that's amazing, congratulations! I'd love to help you :) there are plenty of books and videos from authentic scholars out there. If you like, we can discuss it over email?
@xxscreamokittyxx I suggest you read the Life of Muhammad (saw) by Mirza Bashir Ahmed. It gives a detailed account of the prophet's life including childhood and adulthood.
I'm a teacher and I have Persian students. One of them told me he felt bad about how many people generalize the Muslims, especially the recent crime that happened in France. He said, yes the criminals are Muslims but that doesn't mean when you see other Muslims, they are criminals as well. I'm a Christian but I love my Muslim students and I also happen to have Muslim friends :) they're very nice people. They don't even care about what religion you have!
stop your bullshit lies
Actually, the Crusaders were violent where as the Muslims kept churches as churches and let people seek refuge there. They hurt no citizens and only fought those who attacked them. In their holy book, it even tells them to feed prisoners of war "before you and of your own food".